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Heatherwick 工作室为伦敦奥林匹亚改建项目揭幕大型玻璃天幕
Heatherwick Studio Reveals Expansive Glass Canopy for Olympia's Regeneration Project in London


Heatherwick 工作室公布了一个新的大型玻璃顶棚的设计方案,它将成为奥林匹亚的重要景点,这是一个雄心勃勃的改造项目,旨在将伦敦拥有 138 年历史的展览馆改造成一个全球文化和娱乐目的地。奥林匹亚最初由Henry Edward Coe爵士设计,可以为游客提供宽阔的活动场所,包括两家酒店、30 多家餐厅、酒吧和餐馆、一个可容纳 4400 人的现场音乐厅、一个剧院和Wetherby表演艺术学校,此外还有超过 2.5 英亩的无障碍公共空间。这个改建项目由 Heatherwick工作室和 SPPARC 共同设计。

Heatherwick Studio has unveiled the design of a new large-scale glass canopy to become one of the main attractions of Olympia, an ambitious regeneration project aimed at transforming the 138-year-old exhibition halls in London into a global culture and entertainment destination. Originally designed by Sir Henry Edward Coe, Olympia is set to offer visitors a wide range of venues and activities, including two hotels, over 30 restaurants, bars and eateries, a 4,400-capacity live music hall, a theater, and spaces for the Wetherby Performing Arts School, in addition to over 2.5 acres of accessible public spaces. The revival project is co-designed by Heatherwick Studio and SPPARC.


Heatherwick 工作室对这座纪念建筑的设计旨在提升公众体验感,除了为游客和当地社区提供宽敞的屋顶花园外,还提供充足的公共和绿化空间,还设置了各种酒吧和餐厅。

Heatherwick Studio’s design for the monument aims to enhance the public experience, offering ample public and green spaces activated with a wide variety of bars and restaurants, in addition to an extensive roof garden pen for visitors and the local community.


玻璃顶棚是改造项目显著特征,它的设计旨在将奥林匹亚的历史与设计和工程领域的新进展联系起来。顶棚由五个大型弧形结构钢拱组成,每个拱的跨度为 22 米。透明顶棚安装了 520 块矩形低铁玻璃板,覆盖面积近 1000 平方米。褶皱的玻璃图案是向二级保护建筑大礼堂立面的致敬。

从下方的Hammersmith路也能看到顶棚,吸引路人探索这个宽敞的场地,也能促进与街道的无缝连接。在夹层,游客可以俯瞰历史展览屋顶的整体结构。这个伦敦的新景点预计每年将通过丰富多彩的文化和娱乐活动吸引超过 1000 万游客。

The glass canopy, one of the most distinctive features of the regeneration project, is designed to create a link between Olympia’s history and the new advancements in design and engineering. The canopy consists of five large curved structural steel arches, each with a span of 22 meters. The transparent roof is fitted with 520 rectangular low-iron glass panels, covering a surface of nearly 1000 square meters. The pleated glazing motif is a nod to the façade of the Grade II* listed Grand Hall.
The canopy will also be visible from Hammersmith Road below, inviting passers-by to explore the extensive venue and encouraging a seamless connection with the street. At the mezzanine level, visitors can gain a perspective of the entire structure of the historic exhibition roofs. This new destination in London is expected to attract over 10 million visitors annually through a diverse program of cultural and entertainment opportunities.



Heatherwick 工作室创始人Thomas Heatherwick说:“奥林匹亚曾经是人们的宫殿,人们聚集于此,体验不寻常的事物。多年来,奥林匹亚似乎迷失了方向,现在我们正在努力恢复它最初的精神,让奥林匹亚向所有人开放。这一使命的核心是新的中央顶篷。受原有展厅拱形玻璃屋顶的影响,新的顶棚将成为世界级公共空间的参照,无论你是在新剧院观看演出,还是在附近的写字楼工作,亦或只是路过,每个人都可以使用。”

Olympia was once a people's palace - a place to come together and experience unusual things. Having lost its way over the years, we’re now working to bring back its original spirit and make Olympia open and available to everyone. At the heart of this mission is the new central canopy. Influenced by the vaulted glass roofs of the original exhibition halls, the new canopy will be the beginning of a world-class public space that’s available to everyone, whether you’re attending a show at the new theatre, work in one of the nearby offices or are simply passing by. - Thomas Heatherwick, Founder of Heatherwick Studio.


Thomas Heatherwick最近被任命为 2025 年首尔建筑与城市双年展的总负责人和策展人。他的事务所 Heatherwick工作室最近还被宣布成为首尔汉江无人居住的Nodeul岛的全球设计竞赛的获胜者,设计内容是将其改造成一个充满活力的公共公园,还可以为音乐表演和艺术展示提供空间。

Thomas Heatherwick has recently been appointed as the General Director and curator of the 2025 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, now in its fifth edition. His office, Heatherwick Studio, has also been recently announced as the winner of a global competition to design Seoul’s uninhabited Nodeul Island on the Han River, transforming it into a lively public park complete with spaces for musical performances and artistic interventions.





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