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“Parley for the Oceans ”将海洋塑料垃圾制成太阳镜,为海洋清洁提供资金
Parley for the Oceans turns waste plastic into sunglasses to fund ocean clean-up



该平台名为“Clean Waves”,由啤酒品牌Corona和 海洋组织Parley for the Oceans共同建立。该组织此前曾与阿迪达斯合作,用海洋塑料垃圾制成鞋子和泳装。

A collection of limited-edition sunglasses are the first product to be launched as part of a new fundraising platform that seeks to recycle plastic from the ocean into consumer products.
The platform, called Clean Waves, has been set up by beer brand Corona and marine organisation Parley for the Oceans, which has previously created footwear and swimwear made from ocean plastic in collaboration with Adidas.

“Clean Waves”太阳镜是“Clean Waves”系列产品中的第一款/The Clean Waves sunglasses are the first launch in a series of planned Clean Waves products

“Clean Waves”项目旨在促进时尚和工业设计中创新环保材料的应用。

“Clean Waves”项目的首款产品便是一副意大利制造的太阳镜,它的原材料是由 Parley for the Oceans组织 与Corona公司从他们所保护的海洋和海滩中收集来的。

The Clean Waves project is aimed at boosting the use of eco innovative materials in fashion and industrial design.
The first Clean Waves product to be launched is a pair of sunglasses made in Italy from the plastic that Parley for the Oceans and Corona harvest from the oceans and beaches they protect.

太阳眼镜有三种颜色:白旗、珊瑚砂和迷彩/The sunglasses are available in three colours: White Flag, Coral Sand and Reef Camo



The organisations said that the eyewear incorporates low-quality types of plastic waste such as polypropylene, as well as "new forms of upcycled marine debris", which have been intercepted on islands, coastal communities, beaches, underwater and on the high seas.
Available in three colours, each in a limited edition of 100, each pair of eyewear carries individual geographical coordinates that directly connect them to a specific place impacted by marine plastic pollution.

每种颜色发售100副/Each colour is available in limited edition of 100



For every 100 pairs of sunglasses sold, Parley and Corona say they will add a new island to the existing 100 islands that they have already committed to protect.
The ocean plastic sunglasses are made using a new upcycling process that is able to include plastic types that have historically been more difficult to recycle.

太阳镜的制作采用了一种新的工艺,可以将低质量类型的塑料垃圾重新利用/The sunglasses are made using a new process that enables the organisation to reuse low quality plastic types that have historically been more difficult to recycle

Parley for the Oceans组织在一份声明中说:“除了PET,Nylon 6 和 HDPE等一些有价值的回收材料外,“Clean Waves ”系列同时关注于将新的海洋塑料如聚丙烯(PP)转变成高端消费产品。我们的首次尝试将从时尚配饰入手。”


"In addition to the most valuable recyclables, including PET, Nylon 6 and HDPE, Clean Waves is also putting a strong focus on transforming polypropylene (PP) into new forms of Ocean Plastic for use in high-end consumer products, starting with fashion accessories," said Parley for the Oceans in a statement.
"The sunglasses are the first produced with a new technology, which transforms low-quality types of plastic waste into high-performance materials, providing a unique look," it continued.

该组织未来将与时尚潮流、工业设计和艺术等方面的行业领袖开展合作/Future products will include collaborations with industry leaders in fashion, industrial design and art


Parley for the Oceans 组织由它的前任设计师Cyrill Gutsch创立。去年5月该组织与Corona品牌合作,承诺到2020年保护100个岛屿免受到每年向海洋倾倒800万公吨塑料的影响。

Gutsch说;“现在到处都是塑料制品,它是一个破坏海洋生命和人类健康的失败的设计。虽然我们不能在一夜之间淘汰它,但我们可以通过停止制造更多的塑料产品来改善这一现状。‘Clean Waves’是一个急需筹款的平台,创造者通过将新型的海洋塑料垃圾制成优质材料并将其设计成为海洋塑料产品来支持这一的运动。”

近年来,随着人们对环境污染的担忧加剧,人们对可再生塑料循环利用的兴趣越来越大。在上个月的米兰设计周期间,米兰设计专家 Rossana Orlandi发起了“塑料无罪”的倡议,旨在改变人们对塑料的看法,确保塑料得到负责任的使用。


The sunglasses are available to buy exclusively on designer fashion website Net-A-Porter with a waitlist opening today with 100 per cent of the proceeds go towards supporting the cause.
Founded by former designer Cyrill Gutsch, Parley for the Oceans partnered with Corona in May last year to commit to protecting 100 islands by the year 2020 from the eight million metric tons of plastic being dumped into the ocean each year.
"Plastic is everywhere, a design failure which harms sea life and human health," said Gutsch. "While we can’t phase it out overnight, we can stop making more. Clean Waves is the urgently needed fundraising platform where creators support our movement by designing products from Ocean Plastic, a premium material made from upcycled marine plastic debris."
Interest in recycled plastic as a raw material has been gaining momentum in recent years as concern over pollution increases. During Milan design week last month, Milanese design gallerist Rossana Orlandi launched the "guiltless plastic" initiative, which aims to change the perception of plastic and ensure the material is used responsibly.
Orlandi, considered one of the most influential curators in the design world, told Dezeen the project was driven by concern over pollution of the oceans by plastic waste.





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