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“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第1张图片
© Yasunori Hidaka


From the architect. “Sanno Manshion”, completed in 1967, the modern building wears the shiny black tiles was appeared in Hakata-ward, Fukuoka, the built-up area of low-rise wooden houses.

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第2张图片
© Yasunori Hidaka

该所住宅因为拥有电梯以及电话等设备曾经成为了当时60 年代最为先进的住宅之一。

It was the cutting-edge rental apartment with the telephone switchboard room and the elevator which was rare at that time.

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第3张图片
© Yasunori Hidaka

随着时间的流逝,”山王公寓“经过了40 年经济以及环境的变迁,随之被忽视,并逐渐陷入”入住率下跌——租金下调——收入减少“的恶性循环之中。过时的近代风格外观、污损的传统障子、推拉门,以及敷设榻榻米垫的楼层室内环境,使所有人都不再看好这栋建筑的使用价值。

The time had passed, Sanno apartment dilapidated beyond 40 years and it fell into a negative spiral of decreased occupancy rate, reduction of rent and declined revenue. Everyone had been feeling that it had no value with the aged modern style appearance and the dingy shoji, fusuma and tatami-mat flooring interior.

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第4张图片
© Yasunori Hidaka

      我认为这是建造者对建筑一种愿景,一种萦绕在建筑空间中,反映着时代印记,如同生命力般,类似于 “意志”的氛围。407号房间就是具有这样的“个性”的空间。

But, does the decrepit building and interior truly has no value?
(* In Japan, it is common belief that the value of the building falls with the time)
What is the “personality of space”?
I may say that it is the intention of the creator, something like ”will” which is similar to the life force inhabited in the space where reflects the expression of the era. The room 407 in Sanno apartment had the personality as such.

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第5张图片
© Yasunori Hidaka


What is the “sense of the era”?
It is “trend” created by fickle public culture which come and go over the time. One of the reason we feel newness and oldness is because of that. “Sense of the era = trend” itself has the power of creating value and it can move people’s hearts to the different dimention from dilapidation. I might be able to say that renovation is the creation of “ sense of the era-value” in another dimention from dilapidation.

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第6张图片

© Yasunori Hidaka


The concept of this room where the “Personality” is surely present but “ sense of the era-value” has lost over time, is “resuscitation of the era”, which means to resuscitate the life of the room by implanting the valuable “sense of the era” in the “present” while inheriting the personarity.
It is like a cyborg surgery that resuscitate a life that drifting the brink of death by replacing the dysfunctional area to the special function device….

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第7张图片
© Yasunori Hidaka


Aged more than 40 years, “Sanno- manshion” has almost no value as it falls in inverse proportion to the time passes in Japanese common sense.

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第8张图片
© Yasunori Hidaka

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第9张图片
© Yasunori Hidaka


Here is a driftwood.
Would you see any value?
However, when we installed it, the room was dramatically transfigured to the space dominated by the presence characteristic of “wild design” of this driftwood .

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第10张图片
© Yasunori Hidaka


As the driftwood which has no value transformed into the valuable object, “Sanno-manshion” could also revive through the renovation.

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第11张图片
© Yasunori Hidaka

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第12张图片
© Yasunori Hidaka

“山王公寓”改造翻新/ Nano Architects第13张图片

建筑设计事务所:Nano Architects
摄影:Yasunori Hidaka
Architects: Nano Architects
Location: Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan
Photographs: Yasunori Hidaka




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