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Hacienda / MuseLAB


在Coimbatore熙攘的市中心,建筑魅力尽显,传统与现代交相融合。热闹的城市景观中出现了一处宁静的避风港,该项目灵感来自西班牙庄园,由 MuseLAB 的天才二人组 Jasem Pirani 和 Huzefa Rangwala 精心打造,体现了他们对挑战的从容应对。MuseLAB对该项目投入了巨大的期望,同时该项目对他们来说也是迄今为止最大的一次挑战。这不仅是 MuseLAB 到目前为止接到过的最大的项目,同时也是他们第一个住宅项目。项目要求遵循 Manaiyadi Shastram(印度南部的一门古老科学)的原则,该原则规定了建筑布局中的尺寸和规格要求。

Text description provided by the architects. A narrative of architectural brilliance gracefully unfolds in the bustling heart of Coimbatore, where tradition fuses with modernity. Amongst the lively cityscape, a haven of tranquillity emerges a home inspired by Spanish haciendas crafted by the talented duo Jasem Pirani and Huzefa Rangwala of MuseLAB. Their most ambitious project was also their greatest challenge. It isn't just MuseLAB's largest so far but also their first of its kind. All while adhering to the principles of Manaiyadi Shastram, an ancient science that is native to Southern India, which mandated certain sizes and specifications in the layout.



该住宅位于Coimbatore,在这块占地面积为3.94万平方英尺的场地中,建筑设计要使住宅更加符合城市的地理环境。迷人的庭院、高耸的拱形开口、倾斜的屋顶和丰富的室内外空间,尽管灵感来自西班牙传统住宅,但“住宅的布局是对Chettinad住宅的恰当致敬”,MuseLAB 联合创始人Jasem Pirani和Huzefa Rangwala说到。这座住宅是对西班牙和墨西哥丰富的建筑遗产的致敬,并根据当地的热带气候进行了重新设计。这座12000平方英尺的住宅围绕中央庭院展开设计,庭院是整个设计的焦点。它连接着底层的社交区域:露天泳池、休息室、用餐空间和家庭活动室,所有这些都融合在精心设计的园林景观中。

Located in Coimbatore, the sprawling 39,400 sq ft plot may have been a delight to design to contextualize the home to the city's geography. Charming courtyards, lofty arched openings, sloping roofs, and indoor-outdoor spaces, despite cues from the Spanish inspirations, "the layout of the home is a fitting tribute to a Chettinad home," mentions Jasem Pirani, the co-founder of MuseLAB with Huzefa Rangwala. This home is a tribute to the rich architectural heritage of Spain and Mexico, reimagined to harmonize with Coimbatore's tropical climate. The design of the 12,000-square-foot residence revolves around the central courtyard, which serves as the focal point. It connects the social areas on the ground floor: the open-air pool, the accompanying lounge, the dining space, and the family room, all nestled within its carefully landscaped pockets.




设计的关键在于空间之间的动态相互作用以及在室内空间呈现的姿态。Jasem解释说:“这座住宅并没有违背我们一贯的设计风格,而是有意识地将楼地面作为主要表达对象,注重形式表达(拱顶),并在每个空间选择一些元素作为重点,与许多当地艺术家和手工艺人进行合作。通过对光线和空间的巧妙利用,该项目中的游泳池成为 MuseLAB 有史以来最大胆的设计,泳池上方有一个75英尺长的拱顶,上面覆盖着黑白相间的马赛克瓷砖。”

The design mostly hinges on the dynamic spatial interplay between the spaces and the gestures that unfold within. "This home is not a distinct departure from our usual gestures but a conscious one where we have tried to hero the floor, focus on the forms (vaults), and select elements within each space where we have collaborated with a lot of local artists and craftsmen," explains Jasem. With clever use of light and space, the swimming pool became the most daring project that MuseLAB ever tackled. It's a 75-foot-long vault covered in black and white mosaic tiles.



Embracing the principle of horizontality, the layout unfolds in a manner that accentuates the natural landscape, offering a unique interplay between indoor and outdoor spaces exclusively experienced by its occupants. Despite its distinctively hacienda-inspired design, the home also pays homage to the vernacular architecture of Chettinad, which is evident in its central courtyard. As one approaches the library, sun rays from the skylights find their way indoors, bouncing off the walls and onto the floors, creating a constantly evolving visual experience.


MuseLAB 设计哲学的核心思想是他们的作品不仅仅只是一种标志性的视觉风格。相反,他们专注于创造有意义的体验和瞬间,与居住者产生共鸣。设计团队从Chettinad民居中错综复杂的装饰地板和西班牙瓷砖的永恒魅力中汲取灵感,有意识地采用了克制的手法,庭院中像素化的地板图案就是最好的例子。然而,这种克制的设计方式又与大胆的表达方式同时存在,例如包裹泳池拱顶的花纹瓷砖,营造出了迷人的视觉效果。这种元素间的相互作用贯穿于整个住宅,一楼的起居室、楼梯门厅和书房都采用了大尺度规格的大理石板装饰,每个空间都彰显出一种永恒的精致感。

Central to MuseLAB's design philosophy is the notion that their work goes beyond a signature visual style. Rather, they focus on creating meaningful gestures and moments that resonate with the inhabitants. Drawing inspiration from the intricate decorative floors found in Chettinad homes and the timeless allure of Spanish tiles, the design team consciously employs restraint, evident in the pixelated pattern flooring of the courtyard. However, this restraint is juxtaposed with moments of bold expression, such as the flamboyant floralesque tile wrapping around the pool vault, creating a captivating visual. This interplay of elements continues throughout the residence, with larger-scale marble pieces adorning the formal living room, stair foyer, and library on the first floor, each space curated to evoke a sense of timeless sophistication.



说到住宅,建筑外部空间和室内空间并不相互独立,而是作为一段连续旅程的一部分,是空间之间展开的对话。此外,MuseLAB 致力于与当地艺术家和工匠合作,为住宅注入了真实感和特色。从定制家具到手工细节,每个元素都在讲述一段故事,为空间增添了深度和个性。对于业主来说,这些细节带来了清新脱俗的空间体验:即一个超越世俗的空间和令人回味无穷的天地。夕阳西下,温暖的光辉洒在这座庄园风格的居所上,提醒着人们创造力和互动联系的力量。

When it comes to the home, both the architecture and the interiors are not regarded as isolated entities but rather as part of a continuous journey, a conversation unfolding between the spaces. Furthermore, MuseLAB's commitment to collaboration with local artists and craftsmen infuses the home with a palpable sense of authenticity and character. From bespoke furnishings to handcrafted details, each element tells a story, adding depth and personality to the space. For the homeowners, the result is nothing short of transformative: a space that goes beyond the mundane, offering a retreat reminiscent of a cherished vacation. As the sun sets, casting a warm glow upon the hacienda-inspired abode, it serves as a reminder of the power of creativity and connection.




MuseLAB 邀请大家踏上了一段深入人心的旅程,这里的每一个角落都在诉说着故事,每一个细节都在低语着一丝可能。这座美丽而真实的住宅就像一座充满希望和鼓舞人心的灯塔,在Coimbatore的市中心传递着探索、梦想和永恒的回忆。

MuseLAB invites us on a deeply personal journey, where every corner tells a story and every detail whispers of possibility. With its beauty and authenticity, this home stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration, beckoning exploration, dreams, and the creation of lasting memories in the heart of Coimbatore.








面积:12000 ft²
制造商:Gessi, 121 Home Decor, Asahi Glass Company, Collins Industries, Divinaire, Elegant Marbles, FCML, FLOS, Kohler, Mirai Technologies, Mitsubishi, MuseMART, Puru Das
灯光顾问 :LightAlive
暖通空调咨询:Enersave Solutions
设计团队:Sohan Kadam, Aishwarya Lakhani, Idrees Kasu, Huzefa Rangwala, Jasem Pirani

Architects: MuseLAB
Area: 12000 ft²
Year: 2023
Manufacturers:  Gessi, 121 Home Decor, Asahi Glass Company, Collins Industries, Divinaire, Elegant Marbles, FCML, FLOS, Kohler, Mirai Technologies, Mitsubishi, MuseMART, Puru Das
Structural Consultants: Archetype
Lighting Consultants: LightAlive
HVAC Consultans: Enersave Solutions
Design Team: Sohan Kadam, Aishwarya Lakhani, Idrees Kasu, Huzefa Rangwala, Jasem Pirani
City: Coimbatore
Country: India




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