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NIKE hijab, 3D-printed bus, and zaha hadid included on designs of the year shortlist


伦敦的设计博物馆已经宣布了今年第十届beazley设计奖的入围者,提名的项目包括大卫·阿加叶(David Adjaye)在华盛顿特区设计的非洲裔美国历史和文化国家博物馆,增强现实感的手机游戏「口袋妖怪GO」和BIG与意大利照明品牌artemide合作的Alphabet of Light 照明系统。为庆贺这些世界上最好的和最有影响力的设计作品,年度展览和奖项包括六个类别的62个提名,涵盖了建筑,数字,时尚,图形,产品和运输各个层面。

the design museum in london has announced the contenders for the tenth edition of beazley designs of the year.the nominated projects include david adjaye’s national museum of african american history and culture in washington DC, the augmented reality mobile game pokémon GO, and BIG’s ‘alphabet of light’ produced for artemide. celebrating some of the world’s best and most influential pieces of design, the annual exhibition and awards comprises 62 nominations across six categories: architecture, digital, fashion, graphics, product, andtransport.

Antwerp 港口建筑|port house by zaha hadid architects. image © hélène binet / all images courtesy of the design museum

与大卫·阿加叶(David Adjaye)同等的,建筑类的奖项囊括了该领域最出名的事务所,扎哈建筑事务所设计的Antwerp 港口建筑和OMA最近在威尼斯的芳达科大厦(Fondaco dei Tedeschi) 修复计划均入围。来自北京的众建筑 PAO 作品“插件胡同住宅”和Flores & Prats设计的 Sala Beckett 剧院与国际戏剧表演中心也被提名。

alongside david adjaye, the architecture category includes some of the field’s biggest names, with zaha hadid architects nominated for the antwerp port house and OMA shortlisted for fondaco tedeschi, a contemporary urban department store which recently opened in venice. a plug-in hutong dwelling by beijing-based practice people’s architecture office and flores & prats’ revitalized theater in barcelona were also nominated.

graham:唯一一个能在道路上承受住意外带来的伤害而活下来的“人”|graham: the only person designed to survive on our roads by patricia piccinini


in addition to niantic’s pokémon GO, the digital category features graham, an interactive lifelike sculpture that illustrates the bodily features that would be needed to withstand a car crash, and OTHR, a 3D printing company that creates functional products for the home. the rapid liquid printing technique, described as an experimental new fabrication process, has also been shortlisted.

NIKE的头巾帽可以改变穆斯林妇女体育的面貌|a performance hijab by NIKE that could ‘change the face of sport for muslim women’

时尚界提名者设计由耐克设计的头巾和 “胆小鬼帽(pussyhat)”。 其他入围项目包括李维斯和谷歌合作的具有轻触式遥控功能的智能牛仔夹克。

图形类别的竞争者包括奥运会难民团旗以及德国摄影师沃尔夫冈·蒂尔曼斯(Wolfgang Tillmans)为英国脱欧公民投票展开的剩余活动拍摄作品。

fashion nominees feature a hijab designed by NIKE and the ‘pussyhat’ made and worn by anti-donald trump protesters. other shortlisted projects include a collaboration between levi strauss & co and google that adds touch and gesture interactivity into textiles.
contenders in the graphic category include the refugee nation flag by yara said and german photographer wolfgang tillmans’ remain campaign for the brexit referendum.

为首个奥运难民队设计的难民国旗|the refugee nation flag designed for the first ever olympic refugee team

除了bjarke ingels的Alphabet of Light 照明系统之外,该产品类别还提供了世界上第一个翻译耳机“Pilot”,目前可以使用15种不同的语言,并且将持续更新。其他入围作品还包括 gt2P用火山岩制成“Remolten ”火山座椅和由空气污染制成的第一种商业可用墨水——AIR-INK 环保墨水。

第六个类别是运输列表,包括世界上第一辆3D打印的无人驾驶公交车和一种新的交叉路口系统“traffic lights交通灯”(麻省理工学院Carlo Ratti)。

in addition to bjarke ingels’‘alphabet of light’, the product category puts forward the world’s first translating earpiece, which currently works with 15 different languages but can be updated with more. gt2P’s furniture line made from molten lava is also included alongside a commercially available ink made from air pollution.
the transport list completes the six categories and includes the world’s first 3D printed self-driving bus and a new intersection road system developed by carlo ratti at MIT that could replace traffic lights.

Scewo 电动轮椅|‘scewo’ is a stairclimbing mobility device

选定的项目将由国际设计师、策展人和创意小组进行评审,并将以2017年10月18日至2018年1月18日在伦敦展览馆以设计的草图,模型,实物,视频和摄影的形式展出。 每个类别都将选出优胜者,并于2018年1月25日公布总冠军。请参阅下列提名项目的完整列表。

the selected projects were chosen by a panel of international designers, curators and creatives, and will be on display — in the form of sketches, models, physical pieces, videos and photography — from october 18, 2017 to january 28, 2018 at london’s design museum. a winner will be selected in each category and one overall winner will be announced on january 25, 2018. see the full list of nominated projects below.

小樊的插件家|mrs fan’s plug-in house by people’s architecture office


- 小樊的插件家|众建筑
- 水塔|Arturo Vittori
- Hegnhuset 纪念馆和学习中心|Blakstad Haffner Architects
- 风雨桥|Donn Holohan - 香港大学
- Smithsonian 非裔美国人历史文化博物馆|Adjaye Associates
- Sala Beckett 剧院与国际戏剧表演中心|Flores & Prats
- Calais 搭建项目|Grainne Hassett 与来自利默里克大学的学生
- croft lodge工作室|kate darby建筑师和david connor
- Lycée Schorge 中学|Kéré Architecture
- Weltsadt - 模型中难民的记忆和未来
- 五龙庙环境整治设计|Urbanus 都市实践
- Antwerp 港口建筑|扎哈•哈迪德建筑师事务所
- 芳达科大厦(Fondaco dei Tedeschi )修复|OMA

— mrs fan’s plug-in house by people’s architecture office
— warka water by arturo vittori
— hegnhuset, memorial and learning centre on utøya, norway, 2016 by blakstad haffner architects
— wind and rain bridge by donn holohan
— smithsonian national museum of african american history and culture in washington D.C. by adjaye associates
— sala beckett theatre and international drama centre by flores & prats
— the calais builds project by grainne hassett with architecture students from university of limerick
— croft lodge studio by kate darby architects and david connor design
— lycée schorge secondary school by kéré architecture
— weltsadt- refugees’ memories and futures as models
— the environmental enhancement of the five dragons temple by urbanus
— port house by zaha hadid architects
— il fondaco tedeschi, venice by OMA

快速液体打印|rapid liquid printing by self-assembly lab, MIT in collaboration with steelcase


- 超级联赛实况品牌推广 |krista suhjayna zweiman, kat coyle and aurora lady
- pierre chareau:现代建筑与设计
- 交互式数字化模型“Saydnaya,叙利亚的人间炼狱”
- 「口袋妖怪GO」游戏|Niantic Inc
- 快速液体打印|self-assembly lab, MIT in collaboration with steelcase
- OTHR(3D打印公司)|joe doucet,dean disimone和evan clabots
- 认识graham:唯一一个能在道路上承受住意外带来的伤害而活下来的“人”|patricia piccinini 为交通事故权威设计项目
- 职业女性 emoji|agustin fonts, rachel been, mark davis, nicole bleuel and chang yang
- Refugee Text(难民文本)|kåre m. s. solvåg, caroline arvidsson, ciarán duffy 
- 谷歌 noto 字体开源计划|google and monotype

— premier league on-air branding by dixonbaxi
— pierre chareau: modern architecture and design
— saydnaya: inside a syrian torture prison
— pokémon GO by Niantic Inc
— rapid liquid printing by self-assembly lab, MIT in collaboration with steelcase
— OTHR by joe doucet, dean disimone and evan clabots
— meet graham: the only person designed to survive on our roads by patricia piccinini for transport accident authority
— professional women emoji by agustin fonts, rachel been, mark davis, nicole bleuel and chang yang
— refugee text by kåre m. s. solvåg, caroline arvidsson, ciarán duffy
— google noto by google and monotype

智能牛仔夹克|levi’s® commuter™ trucker jacket with jacquard™


- “胆小鬼帽”项目|krista suhjayna zweiman, kat coyle and aurora lady
- “春 / 夏 / 秋 / 冬之祭”新对象研究项目|aitor throup
-  海洋垃圾服装|ecoalf 品牌产品
- life of pablo 商品与快闪店|kanye west and mat vlasic for bravado
- 李维斯和谷歌合作的智能牛仔夹克
- NIKE“pro hijab”伊斯兰头巾

— pussyhat project by krista suhjayna zweiman, kat coyle and aurora lady
— new object research ‘the rite of spring/summer/autumn/winter’ by aitor throup
— upcycling the oceans by ecoalf
— life of pablo merchandise and pop-up stores by kanye west and mat vlasic for bravado
— levi’s® commuter™ trucker jacket with jacquard™ by google
— NIKE pro hijab

日本的平面设计工作室 IC4 Design 为联合国在埃及的女权组织创作了一副插画“Finding Her”|finding her by IC4 design for UN women egypt


- 收费图书馆抗议横幅
- 日本的平面设计工作室 IC4 Design 为联合国在埃及的女权组织创作了一副插画“Finding Her”
- ibiza mykonos jeremy corbyn(政治宣传画)|michael oswel
- 雷克雅未克艺术博物馆新标识|karlssonwilker
- N.A.A.F.I 设计识别
- 「我和欧盟」——为反映2016年6月的欧洲公民投票结果设计的创意明信片|nathan smith and sam t smith
- 一本关于建筑和空间实践的双月刊杂志| REAL with OK-RM
- 威尔士品族品牌|smörgåsbord studio
- sufferhead original 烈性啤酒 | emeka ogboh
- 断裂的土地|“纽约时报”杂志,2016年8月14日
- unit edition
- 持欧洲,反对英国脱欧海报活动(2016 年 6 月 23 日已宣布投票结果)
- 奥运会难民团旗

— protest banner lending library
— finding her by IC4 design for UN women egypt
— ibiza mykonos jeremy corbyn (political posters) by michael oswell
— new logo and identity for reykjavik art museum by karlssonwilker
— N.A.A.F.I design identity
— me & EU by nathan smith and sam t smith
— real review by REAL with OK-RM
— wales nation brand by smörgåsbord studio
— sufferhead original stout by emeka ogboh
— fractured lands. the new york times magazine, august 14, 2016
— unit edition
— pro-EU anti-brexit poster campaign (vote remain 23 june), 2016
— the refugee nation flag by yara said

Alphabet of Light 照明系统|alphabet of light by BIG – bjarke ingels group for artemide


- Avy 搜索&救援无人机|paul vastert, david wielemaker, christian mccabe and patrique zaman
- Dansbana!Vårbygård 音响系统|dansbana!, anna fridolin, anna pang and teres selberg
- Gita 智能旅行箱| piaggio fast forward
- BuffaloGrid 集体充电设备
- Alphabet of Light 照明系统|BIG – bjarke ingels group for artemide
- Flax Chair 亚麻椅子|LABEL/BREED
- AIR-INK 环保墨水|graviky labs
- Remolten 火山座椅|gt2P (great things 2 people) with friedman benda
- Wedge Dowel 楔形榫钉|IKEA
- 固体纺织板凳|max lamb for really ApS and kvadrat 
- 快速液体打印|self-assembly lab, MIT in collaboration with steelcase
- Nimuno Loops乐高胶带|anine kirsten和max basler
- Pilot 翻译耳机|waverly labs
- SNOO 智能婴儿床|yves béhar, fuseproject

— avy search and rescue drone by paul vastert, david wielemaker, christian mccabe and patrique zaman
— dansbana! vårby gård by dansbana!, anna fridolin, anna pang and teres selberg
— gita by piaggio fast forward
— buffalogrid – connecting the next billion
— alphabet of light by BIG – bjarke ingels group for artemide
— flax chair by christien meindertsma for LABEL/BREED
— AIR-INK by graviky labs
— remolten by gt2P (great things 2 people) with friedman benda
— wedge dowel by IKEA
— solid textile board benches by max lamb for really ApS and kvadrat
— rapid liquid printing by self-assembly lab, MIT in collaboration with steelcase
— nimuno loops by anine kirsten and max basler
— the pilot translating earpiece by waverly labs
— SNOO smart sleeper by yves béhar, fuseproject

“olli”,世界上第一辆3d打印的无人驾驶公交车|‘olli’ by local motors is the world’s first 3D printed self-driving bus


- 世界首列智能轨道快运系统(art)|中车株洲电力机车研究所
- “mahjouba initiative”电动摩托车|eric van hove
- light-traffic 交通灯,(麻省理工学院城市实验室)|carlo ratti at senseable city, massachusetts institute of technology (MIT)
- “olli”世界上第一辆3d打印的无人驾驶公交车|local motors
- Seabubbles 自动驾驶水翼船|ailain thebault
- 本田摩托 Riding Assist
- Scewo 电动轮椅(苏黎世瑞士联邦理工学院)| thomas gemperle, adrien weber, naomi stieger, stella mühlhaus, bernhard winter, pascal buholzer at the swiss federal institute of technology

— autonomous rail rapid transit (ART) by CRRC zhuzhou institute
— mahjouba initiative by eric van hove
— light traffic by carlo ratti at senseable city, massachusetts institute of technology (MIT)
— olli by local motors
— seabubbles by ailain thebault
— honda moto riding assist
— scewo by thomas gemperle, adrien weber, naomi stieger, stella mühlhaus, bernhard winter, pascal buholzer at the swiss federal institute of technology





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