
  (上海)度合建筑设计事务所 – 建筑设计总监 / 主持设计师助理 / 室内设计师 / 设计实习生 / 其他合作

  度合理念 | Office Philosophy
  “度”是一种平衡的状态,亦是一种对立统一,其实质是“自然”。 再者, “自然”作为一切艺术创作的最高法则,是关于平衡与对立统一的最生动表达。
  而 “合”既是在设计中对多重条件的聚焦整合,亦传达了对整个工作团队的凝集。
  The name ‘DU HE’ covers the philosophy of our design. ‘DU’ is a situation of dynamic equilibrium, as well as a state of unity and opposites. The core of ‘Do’ is ‘Nature’, which is the transcendental principle of all artistic creation and the most vivid expression of those situations. Meanwhile, ‘HE’ represents the focus on multiple conditions, and also the cohesion of the whole team. DO ARCHITECTS consider ‘Do’ as the company philosophy, striving to create more possibilities during the process of devising.

  度合定位 | About us
  此外,度合旨在积极地为项目所在地增添蓬勃生机,创造更多的可能性。我们拒绝复杂性在思维视角下的过于统一,而是始终力求差异性。 因而,事务所坚持通过持续性、跨领域的对话与合作,来促进新思想的产生,培养对时代的预见性。
  Since the establishment of this company, DO OFFICE endeavored to act as a multicultural architecture design office. It has participated in numerous nationwide projects, including those in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Yunnan, Jiangsu, Hunan, Zhejiang and some in Southeast Asia. DO OFFICE cooperates with clients to develop a series of design projects, which are innovative and promising, in various fields. Currently, this office concentrates on projects in the area of culture, business, retail and private residence. Simultaneously, it covers renovation projects in the urban renewal.
  During the process of design, the experience is always the focus. This kind of experience is multivariate, rather than shallow in appearance. It is partial to reality and life. Hence, the form is not emphasized. We in turn let concept form forms, and view form as realizing experience.
  In addition, DO OFFICE is aimed at adding flourish vitality to the project location, and creating more possibilities. We refuse the over union of complexity, chasing the otherness instead. Therefore, the office insists on constant and cross-domain communication to improve the creation of new ideas and cultivate the foreseeability to the time.

  事务所环境 | Office
(上海)度合建筑设计事务所 – 建筑设计总监 / 主持设计师助理第1张图片

  事务所项目 | Projects

▽丽江·藏 VILLA
(上海)度合建筑设计事务所 – 建筑设计总监 / 主持设计师助理第2张图片 (上海)度合建筑设计事务所 – 建筑设计总监 / 主持设计师助理第3张图片

▽ 上海博物馆东馆
(上海)度合建筑设计事务所 – 建筑设计总监 / 主持设计师助理第4张图片

▽ 上海松江柴火空间科创中心
(上海)度合建筑设计事务所 – 建筑设计总监 / 主持设计师助理第5张图片 (上海)度合建筑设计事务所 – 建筑设计总监 / 主持设计师助理第6张图片

▽ 温岭银泰喜来登(合作:woodsbagot)
(上海)度合建筑设计事务所 – 建筑设计总监 / 主持设计师助理第7张图片

(上海)度合建筑设计事务所 – 建筑设计总监 / 主持设计师助理第8张图片 (上海)度合建筑设计事务所 – 建筑设计总监 / 主持设计师助理第9张图片

▽ U1JIA生活展厅
(上海)度合建筑设计事务所 – 建筑设计总监 / 主持设计师助理第10张图片

  招聘 | Positions

  O 建筑设计总监(预备合伙人) Director of architecture (Reserve Partner)
  1. 对建筑艺术有执著的追求,极强的创新意识,独特的设计理念,极富活力;
  2. 以设计的质量为首要职责并需要在一系列的大型或复杂的项目中保持一贯的水准;
  3. 管理项目的设计流程,并做出关键的决策,包括细化设计流程说明,控制时间和财务进度以及过程管理;
  4. 在大型和复杂项目中,从技术和设计方法以及工具方面,提供非常高水平的指导,并管理设计团队的技术工作,保证设计符合当地规范;
  5. 参与和制定区域业务的战略方向,并在本团队中贯彻执行;
  6. 回顾团队的业绩表现并提供指导.培养和发展团队的核心设计能力是该设计总监的核心职责;
  7. 国内外重点大学建筑学专业本科或以上学历,至少8年工作经验,在知名设计公司担任主任设计师或项目经理,具有丰富的项目经验;
  8. 具有国内一级注册建筑师资格、国际注册建筑师资格或职业建筑师协会成员资格优先考虑.
  Participate in the whole process of project. Requirement:
  1. Persistent pursuit of architecture and strong innovation consciousness
  2. Guarantee the design quality, even in large-scale or complex project
  3. Control the whole process of design, including time, cost and process.
  4. Guide the team in field of technology and design method in large-scale or complex project
  5. Participate in specifying and conduct strategic direction
  6. Guide and develop the ability of the whole team
  7. Own education background of both domestic or oversea key universities in architecture ,with at least 8-year working experience.
  8. Priority to applicants with qualification of first-class registered architect, international registered architect or professional architect associations.

  O 主持设计师助理(预备合伙人) Assistant of chief architect (Reserve Partner)
  1. 对建筑艺术有执著的追求,极强的创新意识,独特的设计理念,极富活力;
  2. 参与和制定事务所战略方向,并贯彻执行;
  3. 国内外重点大学建筑学或相关专业本科或以上学历,2-3年及以上工作经验;
  4. 能熟练运用各类设计软件,表现力极佳,从理念、设计方法以及工具方面,为团队提供非常高水平的指导;
  5. 有较强的团队协作精神.
  Assistant of chief architect (Reserve Partner)
  Participate in the study, scheme and outside communication. Requirement:
  1. Persistent pursuit of architecture, strong innovation consciousness
  2. Participate in specifying and conduct strategic direction
  3. Own education background of both domestic or oversea key universities in architecture ,with at least 2 or 3-year working experience.
  4. Skilled at various design tools, guide the team in the field of idea, design method and tools.
  5. Relative strong teamwork spirit.

  O 室内设计师 Interior Designer
  1. 对设计有执著的追求,极强的创新意识,独特的设计理念,极富活力;
  2. 室内或环艺专业本科及以上学历,应届毕业生或1年以上工作经验;
  3. 较强的绘图能力(准确并高效)及表达能力(包括实体模型和3D渲染);
  4. 有较强的团队协作精神;
  5. 有一定施工图经验者优先.
  Interior Designer
  Participate in the whole design process of interior project. Requirement:
  1. Persistent pursuit of architecture, strong innovation consciousness
  2. Bachelor degree or above in interior design or environment design. graduates or people with 1 year working experience.
  3. Relative strong drawing ability (accurate and efficient) and expression ability (modeling and 3D rendering)
  4. Relative strong teamwork spirit.
  5. Priority to applicants with certain experience in construction drawing.

  O 设计实习生(常年招聘)Design Intern (year-round recruitment)
  1. 对设计有执著的追求,极强的创新意识,独特的设计理念,极富活力;
  2. 有较强的责任心和团队协作精神;
  3. 建筑或相关专业大学本科大四及以上学历;
  4. 具备很强的手工制作能力;
  5. 能熟练运用相关电脑软件,如Sketchup、Indesign、Rhino、Photoshop、Illustrator、Autocad及一般文档软件;
  6. 实习期四个月及以上;
  7. 我们将提供全面的锻炼机会.
  Design Intern (year-round recruitment)
  1. Persistent pursuit of architecture, strong innovation consciousness
  2. Relative strong responsibility and teamwork spirit
  3. Bachelor degree or above in architecture.
  4. Strong handmade ability
  5. Skilled at relative computer software, such as Sketchup、Indesign、Rhino、Photoshop、Illustrator、Autocad and normal office software.
  6. Internship of 4 months or above.
  7. Comprehensive opportunities will be provided.

  O 其他合作

  有意者请将个人简历和作品集 (含学历以及工作经历,并请详细列举参与工程项目名称、规模 及本人职责) Email 至do_hr01@126.com或寄至本公司. 请注明申请职位以及期望薪金,Email 应附带本人具代表性的工作成果(含方案、施工图等),附件大小请勿超过7MB. 本事务所不接受来电询问招聘信息以及招聘结果,不接受上门应聘.
  If you are interested , please send your resume and portfolio to the address below:
  or you can mail it to the office.
  (The resume should include your education background and working experience. Please also list the name, scale of those projects that you have participated in, as well as your responsibility)
  Please also indicate your applied position and expected salary. The attachment has to be smaller than 7mb. This office will accept neither the call for asking for hiring information and results, nor the visiting candidates.




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招聘 (332 articles)

建筑设计师 (118 articles)