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来自Gillespies的分享,在过去我们还曾分享过他们的大隐隐于市,伦敦NEO Bankside景观,NEO Bankside

Client: Telford & Wrekin Council / Mace GroupDesign Team: Gillespies Associated Architects, Curtins, Hoare LeaCompletion: 2014Location: Southwater One, Telford, United Kingdom

↓  摆放着圆石的水池驳岸。地面上艺术小品考究。原生的植物有助于野生动物栖息。

Gillespies景观建筑事务所为以休闲零售为主的德福中心创作了一个充满活力和独特性的社区景观场所Southwater One。公园以现代简约的设计风格创造了一片迷人的高品质休闲户外用地,公园交通便捷,与周边的社区中心,图书馆,电影院,酒店,多层停车场,咖啡厅以及步行街无缝连接。绿地中心是一个扇形的水池,沿着湖岸布置了象棋和滚球的活动区域。直线型的驳岸边缘摆放了许多原石,鼓励人们沿水岸散步和休息的同时也进行亲水活动。植物方面,景观设计师大量采用了有助于当地野生动物生存其中的原生植物,水池边缘也精心布置了水生植物。鉴于当地过去工业化的历史,在如今的工业化阶段,采用了粘土砖和锈蚀钢板等具有工业化特性的材料作为艺术小品。

Gillespies was commissioned to transform the centre of Telford by developing the public realm for the new Southwater One district, a vibrant and identifiable community, leisure and retail destination. Gillespies responded to the brief to create an extension of Telford’s existing town centre and create a distinctive, captivating new landscape that linked the town with the park beyond. One of goals was to complement the existing retail-orientated indoor environment with a high quality outdoor mixed-use and leisure destination. This was to attract both locals and tourists all year round, provide a benchmark public realm for the area and to help transform the image of Telford. The overall development includes the landmark Southwater One, a new community hub and library facility, the cinema, hotel, multi-storey car park and a number of cafes and restaurants interlinked with a high quality pedestrian streets. An urban square has been created at the transition space between the urban centre and the new lake to provide a visually outstanding focus for the area and a major entry to and from the Town Park. Gillespies incorporated tracts of native plants to encourage wildlife. The distinctive urban beach area features striking marginal and aquatic planting, and offers extensive opportunities for informal use, including relaxed lakeside strolls, seating and play on the chess and boules facilities provided. The Post-industrial character of the town is reflected in materials such as clay brick and cor-ten steel whilst unique artefacts and art installations across the site contribute to the distinct character of the place and create a point of reference and orientation.

↓ 总平面 ,绿地与周边的社区中心,图书馆,电影院,酒店,多层停车场,咖啡厅以及步行街无缝连接。

↓ 看向湖边有建筑的一侧

↓ 大人,小孩,动物在这里相安无事

↓ 老人在湖岸边交谈

↓ 孩子在石凳上玩耍

↓ 直线型的驳岸边缘摆放了许多原石,鼓励人们沿水岸散步和休息的同时也进行亲水活动

↓湖岸很受欢迎 & 湖岸上层平台的铺装,户外小品以及灯具细部

↓ 看向湖边靠着自然的一侧

↓ 铺装与景观小品的细节

↓ 鉴于当地过去工业化的历史,在如今的工业化阶段,采用了粘土砖和锈蚀钢板等具有工业化特性的材料作为艺术小品

↓ 独特有风味的景观小品,水池边缘精心布置了水生植物

↓ 景观设计师大量采用了有助于当地野生动物生存其中的原生植物

↓ 靠近建筑的区域

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