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Stanton Williams设计的李谷曲棍球和网球中心是前伦敦奥运会的比赛场地(2012年)。作为伊丽莎白女王奥林匹克公园北部门户的曲棍球和网球中心是伊顿庄园的最后一批改造工程。改造后,中心从2012伦敦奥运会比赛场地、残奥会水上训练及轮椅网球会场的单一残奥会场角色摇身变成世界级的体育运动场所。李谷曲棍球和网球中心和李谷自行车场馆及李谷白水中心现在由李谷地区公园管理局进行管辖。
Designed by Stanton Williams, Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre is an inspirational London 2012 legacy venue. Acting as the northern gatewayto the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, it marks the final stage of transformation of the Eton Manor site, from its use as the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Aquatic Training and Paralympic Wheelchair Tennis venue - the only purpose-built Paralympic venue in the history of the Games –into a world-class sports facility.
Alongside Lee Valley VeloPark and Lee Valley White Water Centre, the Centre is one of three legacy venues which are now operated by Lee ValleyRegional Park Authority.

A thoughtful strategy of a ‘Build it Once’ concept took legacy as the starting point of design, enabling substantial transformation of sporting facilitieswithout the loss of its distinct architectural identity at each phase. Games facilities were conceived as a temporary overlay, purposeful in appearance and with its own precise functional requirements, yet easily removed to reveal the legacy venue.
In this final mode, it will become the major events venue of England Hockey and a key development centre for the Lawn Tennis Association. The Centre comprises four indoor and six outdoor tennis courts as well as a 3,000 seat international hockey stadium, a second international standard hockey pitch, a mountain bike trail, and associated changing and support functions.

A dark grey steel canopy, newly added above the terrace and tiered seating, ties into the dark-coloured, metal cladding selected for the upper body of the building, whilst the red cladding, selected for the points of access in the elevation, adds to the overall sense of depth, texture and tactility, evident elsewhere on the site, for example, in the rhythm of gaps created on the timber fa?ade of the tennis hall.
Drawing inspiration from its sporting heritage, a particular emphasis was given to re-connect Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre with its East London locality. During the course of the twentieth century, Eton Manor, originally set up in the 1920s by philanthropic Etonians for the young East End residents, had become somewhat cut off from its surroundings, bounded to the south and east by major roads and a railway, and hiddento the north from Ruckholt Road by a brick wall.

Stanton Williams的总体设计旨在建立一个开放的公园,并将建筑与周围的风景构成清晰而完整的整体。设计师对该区域的地势进行了重大改造,提高了建筑的辨识度和可达性,与北部通路及连接公园和哈克尼沼泽的桥梁之间建立更好的视觉和物理联系。环绕本区分布的新山地自行车车道蜿蜒穿行在新种植被中间,将本区从繁忙的双行道延伸到南端,并巧妙地将该区域与旁边的李谷自行车场馆联系在一起。上述一系列的改造最终形成了层叠式的风景。与建筑体一样,人行道和车道也覆盖在风景之上。曲棍球主场馆被设计成嵌入地下的碗状场馆,周围的公园则成为了额外的看台,吸引人们近距离观看场馆内的比赛。
Stanton Williams’ overall design therefore aims to open the park up to visitors and reassert the building as an integral, legible part of the surrounding landscape. The site’s topography has been significantly re-shaped to aid legibility and accessibility, creating better visual and physical links with the streets to the north and also the bridges, which connect to the Park and Hackney Marshes. A newly installed mountainbike trail around the site weaves through the new planting, screening the site from the busy dual carriageway to its south, and intricately linkingthis part of the park to the neighbouring Lee Valley VeloPark.
The result is a layered landscape. Pedestrian and vehicle routes have been overlaid onto this manipulated landscape, as the building has been. Since the main hockey pitch has been conceived as a bowl carved into the ground, the surrounding park begins to function almost as additional viewing platforms, drawing people in to be closer to the events taking place at the venue.
A series of intersecting blocks define the building, allowing various component units to be easily identified, whilst also emphasizing their interconnectedness to one other and to the place. The mass of the tennis hall, for example, sails above the horizontal roofline of the multifunctionalroom, whilst the new canopy assists in creating a sense of unity between the pitch, seating and building. The use of timber rainscreen for the tennis hall, moreover, connects its greater bulk with the landscaping beyond.

The tennis hall is a timber cassette construction, which incorporates the longest single span glulam beams in Europe. It is naturally ventilated and largely daylit. The viewing gallery terminates with a square of solid glazing, perfectly framing the nearby Lee Valley VeloPark.
The rest of the venue is primarily concrete with a variation of boardmarked and grit blasted finish, adding a layer of detail and texture, as well ascomplimenting the appearance of the timber as it ages. At the heart of the Centre are the lounge and social areas, cementing its position as a valuable community asset.

英格兰曲棍球队首席执行官Sally Munday称:“这样的运动设施是将公众与运动紧密联系的神奇工具,切实地激发了英国人支持英格兰曲棍球队的民族自豪感。同时也为使用场馆的当地俱乐部和学校带来了巨大福利,具有十分重要的地位。”残奥会轮椅网球铜牌获得者Lucy Shuker(英国)评价道:“伊顿庄园是我经历过的最好的体育场馆,观众也是世界上最棒的观众!我们要感谢每一个支持我们的人!”Stanton Williams的董事Paul Williams称赞说:“这是一个十分精彩的项目,是一个真正的奥运会遗产项目。“遗产”从始至终贯穿到我们的设计中,很高兴看到它的面容现正在展露出来。当开始服务当地社区和国家及国际体育队之后,该中心将会不断发展并积累更多财富。我们相信它是一个集合点,将所有不同的人群聚集在一起,共同铸就其不凡的品质。”
A high quality, long life design was driven by the need to provide an exceptional legacy venue for both the local community and as part of the overall investment in regenerating East London.
In its final legacy mode, the Centre can once again promote itself as a ‘beacon’ to inspire, encourage and develop aspiring young players in East London, therefore carrying on the legacy of its sporting past. It also acts as a world-class sporting venue today, playing host to international tournaments, such as the European Hockey Championships in 2015 and the Women’s World Cup in 2018.
Sally Munday, England Hockey Chief Executive said: “Having a facility like this is a fantastic tool for us to engage the public with our sport and really stimulate some National pride in supporting England’s hockey teams. It’s also a huge benefit to the local clubs and schools in the area who’lluse the pitches, which is of utmost importance.”Lucy Shuker, Bronze medal winner, Paralympic GB, said: “Eton Manor is the best venue I’e ever played at and the crowds have been out of this world. We want to thank everyone who has supported us.”Paul Williams, Director at Stanton Williams,said: “This has been a wonderful project to work on, and it is a true legacy project. Legacy drove our vision from the beginning to the end and it is wonderful to now see it unfolding. The centre will continue to evolve and become richer, as it starts to serve the local community, as well as nationaland international sports teams. We believe that it is the crossover of all these different groups of people that is going to make this a very special venue.”

一次建成--“奥运会会场遗产”为该设计的出发点— Build it once – Legacy as the starting point for design.—伊丽莎白女王奥林比克公园的门户--构成景观总体规划的一部分— Gateway to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park – a masterplan conceived of venues that are an integral part of a landscape.—催化剂--提高伊丽莎白女王奥林比克公园与周围区域联系,尤其是哈克尼沼泽和瓦尔珊森林— A catalyst – to improve connections from Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to the surrounding communities in legacy, in particular Hackney Marshes and Waltham Forest.—伊顿庄园男孩俱乐部旧址--该俱乐部建于20世纪20年代,为当地贫困年轻人提供运动设施,于1967年关闭。李谷地区公园管理局从1975至2001年接管该区。— The Eton Manor Boys’ Club, providing sporting facilities for local underprivileged youths, was founded on this site in the 1920s. It closed in 1967. LVRPA operated the site from 1975 to 2001. —原来的伊顿庄园战争纪念碑移至靠近中心入口的广场上,使其更加醒目,强化了其纪念价值。— The existing Eton Manor war memorials have been re-instated in legacy in the plaza adjacent to the entrance to the centre, providing an enhanced setting for them and the members of the Eton Manor Association. — 李谷地区公园管理局将接管场馆设施,英格兰曲棍球队和草地网球协会将成为主要使用者。Legacy facilities will be owned and operated by LVRPA,England Hockey and the Lawn Tennis Association will be the main tenants for the facilities.—诗人Laureate和Carol Ann Duffy为伊顿庄园所作的诗篇,融入到了曲棍球场的建设当中。— The Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, has created a poem for Eton Manor as a part of London 2012’s Winning Words Scheme. This has been integrated into the legacy Hockey Stadium construction.—从伊丽莎白奥林匹克公园其它地方挖掘的40,000多吨的土壤被移置于伊顿庄园,与边界的桥梁形成6m的高度差,并环绕A12形成了绿色的声音屏障。— Over 40,000 tonnes of excess earth, derived from elsewhere on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park has been relocated to Eton Manor to take up the 6mheight difference from the bridges to the perimeter condition, and creating a vegetated acoustic barrier along the A12.10,500个残奥会席位中的3000个经重新利用,成为曲棍球场的坐席。— Of the 10,500 paralympic spectator seats, 3000 has been re-used for the permanent hockey stadium in legacy.—碗状曲棍球场的西面和南面可临时地将曲棍球场的坐席扩充至10,000,以满足国际赛事的使用需求。— The area to the west and south of the legacy hockey bowl will allow temporary expansion of the hockey stadium to accommodate 10,000 spectatorsfor international event use.—网球场顶部的八根胶合梁(40 x2.45 x 0.3m)是迄今为止欧洲地区使用的最大的单跨胶合梁。— The 8 Glulam beams in the roof of the tennis hall measuring 40 x2.45 x 0.3m are the largest single span glulam beams in Europe.

Project details
Key ValuesConstruction value: Confidential
Key datesCompletion date: June 2014Construction phase: 2009-2014
Building DetailsPostal Address: Eton Manor, Leadmill Lane,Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London E20 3AD
Areas:Site: 146,590m2Sports Centre: 5,602m2
Client TeamClientOlympic Delivery Authority / London Legacy Development CorporationDelivery Partner / Project Managers: CLM / MaceLegacy End User: Lee Valley Regional Park Authority – LVRPA
Design TeamVENUES:Masterplanner, Design Architect and client monitoring role:Stanton WilliamsMultidisciplinary Engineering: ArupQuantity Surveyor: CLM / MaceTown Planning consultant: DP9Catering: King DesignOverlay consultant: AlpinexBREEAM: SouthfacingCDM Coordinator: ArupPUBLIC REALM:Landscape Architect: LDA HargreavesLandscape Civil Engineering: AtkinsLandscape Lighting: Sutton VaneEMPLOYERS TECHNICAL REVIEWERS FOR GAMES:Architecture: B3 BurgessStructure: Mott McDonaldServices: SKM
Contractor teamsOlympic and Paralympic Games:Principal contractor: CLMETON MANOR SPORTS CENTRE:Main contractor: Mansell Construction Services Ltd.Contractor’s Architect: GibberdContractor’s Structural Engineer: GiffordContractor’s Services Engineer: Jones Engineering GroupCIVIL ENGINEERING:Main contractor: CareysTennis Court Specialist: Spadeoak TEMPORARY SEATING STANDS:Main contractor: Slick Seating SystemsSeating contractors Architect: Roberts LimbrickSITE WIDE SERVICES:Main Contractor: MitieLIGHTWEIGHT TEMPORARY STRUCTURES:Main Contractor: NUSSLI GroupContractors’ design team: Nussli and R?derMODULAR TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION:Main Contractor: Premier Interlink_WACO UK LTdTEMPORARY SWIMMING POOLS:Main Contractor: A&T Europe S.p.a.Pool contractor: Myrtha PoolsPool services: Barr and Wray
Contractor TeamsLegacy TransformationSPORTS CENTRE FITOUT:Main Contractor: H&J Martin LtdContractor Architect: Todd ArchitectsHOCKEY PITCHES:Main Contractor: STISITE WIDE SERVICES:Main Contractor: MITIEEXTERNAL TENNIS COURTS:Main Contractor: SpadeoakPUBLIC REALM:Main Contractor: BAM Nuttal
Photography:Hufton & Crow
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