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EPFL Quartier Nord, SwissTech Convention Center, Ecublens, Switzerland, 2008–2014

坐落在洛桑联邦理工学院校园北部入口处的瑞士科技会展中心成为突出于周围景观的极具辨识度的新地标。紧紧围绕主会堂优化的内部空间构形的金属外壳看起来像是悬浮在会堂和门厅的玻璃立面之上,自然光线可最大程度地射进内部空间。会堂可容纳3,000人,更重要的是,它还能细分成更小的单元,用于同时或连续举办小规模的活动。变化的布局带来的优化空间可提供无懈可击的视线、平衡与不同活动平台之间的距离,并由此定义了建筑的最终形态。经过一番研究,设计师最终选择用细长的菱形阳极氧化铝瓷砖来制作会展中心壳体的外表皮。深度上的细微变化更加丰富了壳体表面的纹理特点。事实上,每年会堂举办容纳3000人活动的机会十分有限。因此,细分空间以根据具体情况创造比例合理的优化空间在设计之初便被入设计大纲。可移动的屏风可封闭上方的露台及露台下方的花坛。液压升降平台和旋转座椅支架将大堂瞬间变成平坦的多功能室或宴会厅。大堂西部立面由褶皱式的400平方米玻璃板构成,并装有具有革命性意义的染料敏化太阳能电池(由洛桑联邦理工学院的瑞士化学家Michael Gr?tzel发明)。褶皱的玻璃板立面能有效阻拦强烈的午后阳光,同时每年的发电量高达2000千瓦时。艺术家Catherine Bolle通过颜色的运用促成了这一技术成果的实现。

Situated at the northern entrance to the EPFL campus, the SwissTech Convention Center becomes a new landmark, a clearly identifiable referencepoint in the landscape. The metallic shell, closely following the internal spatial configuration of the optimised main auditorium, seems to float overthe glazed facades that enclose both the auditorium and the foyer, allowing a maximum of daylight to penetrate the inner spaces. The auditorium isdesigned to accommodate up to 3,000 people, but just as importantly, it can be subdivided into alternative configurations to allow for a variety of smaller-scale events to take place simultaneously or in sequence. The optimisation of these spaces in their different arrangements, which guaranteeimpeccable sight lines and balanced distances from the different stage set-ups in each case, ultimately defined the building’s form. The question of external cladding for the shell of the convention center was resolved through a typical process of research in terms of form and materiality, leading to the selection of elongated diamond-shaped tiles in anodised aluminium. A subtle variation in their depth reinforces the rich textural nature of theshell’s surface. The maximum capacity of 3,000 seats in the auditorium is only required on a limited number of occasions per year. The possibility to subdivide this main space in order to create other spaces that are just as suitably proportioned and optimised was part of the brief from the outset.

Moveable partitions allow the upper balcony as well as the area of the parterre below the balcony to be closed off. Hydraulic platforms and rotating seat mounts allow the auditorium to be transformed into a flat, multi-purpose room or banquet hall in a matter of minutes. The west facade of the main foyer is draped in 400 square metres of glazed panels, which include revolutionary dye-sensitized solar cells, developed by the Swiss chemistMichael Gr?tzel of the EPFL, to provide protection from the afternoon sun while generating 2,000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually. The artistCatherine Bolle worked with the technically possible colours to achieve Le Semainier.     

EPFL Quartier Nord, Student Housing, Ecublens, Switzerland, 2008–2013



On the eastern edge of the site, student housing and commercial and service areas provide a clear border on the public plaza. Extending to the south to include the Metro station, shops and restaurants are sheltered by a covered gallery with the hotel and student lodgings above. The large scale of the building is mediated through a series of articulations and variations in height of the different volumes that make up the complex. Onlythe central bodies of the building are carried up to level eight at the top. The outer facades clad in serigraphed glass and aluminium louvers maintaina clear dialogue with the convention center, the coloured window jambs anticipate the exuberance of the inner courtyard.

Commercial and service areas open directly onto the public plaza on level two. A 70-room hotel surrounds the south courtyard, and shared student apartments are reached through access galleries around the north courtyard on level four. On level six are shared apartments around the north courtyard, and studio apartments in the southeast wing of the building. Only three wings of student apartments are carried up to level eight.

合租公寓围绕走廊通道布置。由半私人的起居空间可到达私人卧室,每间卧室都有独立的浴室。所有卧室都沿着外周长布局,起居空间直接面向围绕庭院的走廊。内部庭院立面全部是手工涂画的纤维水泥板,艺术家Catherine Bolle将这一元素转化成“彩色显像管”。

单间公寓分布在贯穿建筑主翼的 长长的南北向内部走廊两侧。为了鼓励学生之间的互动,设计师在内部主道沿线的不同区域设计了一系列公共区域。双层或单层高的空间用闪亮的彩色玻璃板分隔起来,延续着Catherine Bolle在走廊通道围绕庭院设置的“彩色显像管”的多色主题。

The shared apartments are arranged around the access galleries. Semi-private living spaces in turn lead to the individual bedrooms, each with it’s own private bathroom. All the bedrooms are located on the outer perimeter, with the living spaces opening directly onto the access galleries surrounding the courtyard. This interior courtyard elevation is entirely clad in individually hand painted, fibre-cement panels transformed by artistCatherine Bolle into "Le Chromoscope".

Studio apartments are arranged on both sides of the long interior north-south corridor running through the main wing of the building. To encouragesocial interaction among students, a variety of common spaces have been laid out at various points along this main internal thoroughfare. Double- or single-height spaces are closed off with brilliantly coloured glass panels, continuing the polychromatic theme of Catherine Bolle’s Le Chromoscopesurounding the courtyards in the access galleries.

Données | Data Client         Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Hospitality, Credit Suisse  Real Estate Fund Living Plus, EPFLTotal Contractor     HRS Real Estate SAArchitect     Richter Dahl Rocha & Associés architectes SA, LausanneStructural engineer    Ingeni SA + Daniel Willi SAGeotechnical engineer  Karakas & Fran?ais SAHVAC engineer     RG Riedweg et Gendre SASanitary engineer    Duchein SAElectrical engineer    Betelec SASafety specialist     Hautle Anderegg + Partner SAFacades Specialist   BCS SAAcoustical Specialist    AAB - Stryjenski & H. Monti SAInterior Design    RDR Design SAScenography     Scéno Plus (Montréal), SonicDesign Distribution SàrlLandscape Architect   L’Atelier du Paysage Jean-Yves Le Baron SàrlArtists      Catherine Bolle, Daniel Schlaepfer

Cost of works    225 MioSurface      14165 m2 Design      2009–2010Achievement     2011–2014Address book    Rue Louis Favre, 1015 Lausanne, Suisse

Photographer      ? Fernando GuerraFernando Guerra | Fg + Sg   www.ultimasreportagens.comRights of use      ? Richter Dahl Rocha & Associés architectes SA

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