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Spanish design pioneer Miguel Milá picks nine of his key projects


西班牙设计师Miguel Milá 近日在马德里举行大型作品回顾展,展览作品包括设计师80年职业生涯中极具个人意义的作品。

现年93岁的Milá是极具影响力的西班牙设计师,为包括Polinax和Gres在内的标志性中世纪品牌以及近年来的Santa & Cole品牌创作了大量家具和照明作品。

这是迄今为止Milá规模最大的作品展,目前正在马德里的费尔南·戈麦斯文化艺术中心(Fernán Gómez Centro Cultural de la Villa)展出,展览展出了200多件物品和绘画作品,其中有完整的作品,也有草图和原型。

With a major retrospective of his work on show in Madrid, Catalan designer Miguel Milá talks Dezeen through the most personally significant pieces from his eight-decade career.
Aged 93, Milá is one of the most influential Spanish designers of his generation, with a vast back catalogue of furniture and lighting works for iconic mid-century brands including Polinax and Gres, and more recently, Santa & Cole.
The largest exhibition of his work to date is currently on show at Fernán Gómez Centro Cultural de la Villa in Madrid, featuring over 200 objects and drawings, from completed works to sketches and prototypes.


Milá 的作品回顾展览作为马德里设计节的开幕内容, 整个设计节则由Milá 的儿子Gonzalo Milá 和儿媳 Claudia Oliva 共同策划。

展览重点突出了 Milá 设计理念对设计发展史的重要影响,而他的许多作品现在已经成为现代西班牙家庭内部装饰的代名词。

贾斯珀·莫里森(Jasper Morrison)在2021年发表的一篇致敬 Milá 的文章中写道:“Milá 拿起笔的那一瞬间,他就知道物体与自然之间的联系,就像一个好厨师本能地将各种食材结合起来,让它们的味道更浓郁一样。”

The show, which opened as part of Madrid Design Festival, was curated by husband-and-wife team, Gonzalo Milá, who is the designer's son, and Claudia Oliva.
It highlights the extent of Milá's impact on design history, with many of the works now synonymous with the modern Spanish home interior.
"Milá has known the recipe for naturalness in objects ever since he picked up a pencil, as instinctively as a good cook is able to combine ingredients to make more out of their flavours," wrote Jasper Morrison in a tribute published in 2021.


Milá 这次的马德里作品回顾展展出了200多件物品和绘画作品,其中包括他自创品牌Tramo的作品。Tramo 家具公司成立于1957年,但这个品牌的想法起源于26年前,那时候Milá 还是一名室内设计师。在这个品牌中,他将极简与手工艺融为一体。

Milá 经常称自己为“前工业设计师”。他曾在一本由他的母语西班牙语翻译而成的回忆录中写道:“设计就是追求秩序。所有通过美来寻找解决方案的设计都可以是好的设计,但如果在这之中不考虑功能性则另说了。美和功能,这两者缺一不可。”

Milá 最喜欢的九个设计背后就有它们自己的故事。

The Fernán Gómez Centro Cultural de la Villa is showcasing over 200 objects and drawings by Milá, including works from the label he founded, Tramo
Born in Barcelona in 1931, Milá worked as an interior designer before setting up his own furniture company, Tramo, in 1957. Here, he developed an approach grounded in simplicity and craft.
The designer often refers to himself as "a pre-industrial designer".
"To design is to pursue order," Milá wrote, in a memoir translated from his native Spanish.
"Anything that finds a solution through beauty is good design. But achieving beauty without functionality is something else. In design, both things have to come together at the same time."
In a Dezeen exclusive, Milá tells the stories behind nine of his favourite designs:



Milá 在1956年至1981年间设计了一系列可调节高度的落地灯。尽管TMC灯一直以来卖得更好,但TMM仍是Milá 的个人最爱。

Milá 说:“我觉得这种可调节的灯具最能代表我的设计原则。它很轻,可以很容易地调整和组装成三个基本组成部分。”

TMM Floor Lamp, 1962
Milá designed a series of adjustable-height floor lamps between 1956 and 1981. While the TMC has been the most commercially popular, the TMM is Milá's personal favourite.
"It is the adjustable lamp model that I feel most represents my design principles," he said. "It is light and it can be easily adjusted and assembled in three pieces."


Cesta 灯,1962年

Cesta 灯是 Miguel Milá 创造的极具标志性的灯具。 当时他在即将关门的零件店外发现了一个美丽的乳白色玻璃地球仪,他为它制作了一个简单的藤条结构,在美观的同时方便搬运。后来,为了让灯组更牢固,他将藤条换成了木制结构。

“如今这盏灯还一直是我家,甚至许多家庭家居的一部分。” Milá 补充说,“它能让人们以一种特殊方式产生共鸣。”

Cesta Lamp, 1962
"I found a beautiful milky glass globe outside a parts shop that had been recently closed and made a simple rattan structure to embrace the shade and make it transportable," explained Milá. "Eventually, the structure was made in wood to be sturdier."
"This lamp has always been part of my home and many homes," he added. "It is a piece that people connect with in a special way."


Maria Table,1962年


Milá 说:“当时我大哥买了一块新地毯挂在客厅,他希望我设计一张不会掩盖这张漂亮地毯的桌子。那是我职业生涯中收到的首批设计委托。后来这张桌子就一直放在他客厅的地毯上,优雅地与周围的环境融为一体。”

Maria Table, 1962
This minimal coffee table combines a chromed and painted metal frame with a glass tabletop.
"My eldest brother had bought a new carpet for his living room (pictured) and asked that I design a table that would not conceal it," said Milá. "It was one of the first design commissions I received ."
"The table sits in his living room over his carpet. It has a way of blending in elegantly with its surroundings."


MM/Correas 书架,1962年

1962年,Milá 与零售商Gres密切合作,共同参加经济家居奖竞赛,该竞赛要求参赛者用家具布置整个公寓。MM/Correas 书架以木材和皮革为组合材料进行设计,入围当时的获奖方案。

Milá 说:“当时我为这款木制书架设计了有长有短的支撑面板,这样你可以随意按自己的要求组装它,让它可以容纳更高或更短的书。”

MM/Correas Shelves, 1962
Milá's close partnership with retailer Gres led them to jointly enter the Economic Home award in 1962, a competition that required entrants to furnish a whole apartment (pictured). This shelving system, made from wood and leather, was one of several designs from their winning scheme.
"I designed one wooden shelf element that had a longer and a shorter panel in the back so that, depending on how you installed it, it could accommodate taller or shorter books," said Milá.


Altar Table,1964年

Milá 说:“1964年我娶了Maria Valcarcel,她至今一直是我的精神支柱。”

“当时我设计了这张几何结构的桌子,让它作为我们的婚礼圣坛。 这件作品最近做了一些调整,每次我看到它,都会让我回忆起我们刚组成家庭的时光。”

Altar Table, 1964
"In 1964 I married Maria Valcarcel, who to this day has been my rock," said Milá.
"I designed this table with geometric, structured legs and it served as our wedding altar. This piece has recently been re-edited; every time I see it, it takes me back to the start of my family."



Milá 说:“作为一对新婚夫妇,我们没什么钱来布置家里,所以我为我们的餐厅设计了这把椅子。当时,‘ 藤’并不被视为是高档家具设计会使用的材料,但当我的朋友来家里拜访时,他们却发现餐厅使用藤椅看上去非常现代。”


Salvador Chair, 1965
"As a recently married couple, we had very little money to furnish our home," said Milá.
"I designed this chair for our dining room. At the time, rattan was not seen as a noble material. When friends visited us, they found it very modern that we would have rattan chairs in our dining room," he continued.
"To this day, we have the same chairs. They have been comfortably seating our family for 58 years. They are easy to move, light and also very resistant. I find the patina that time has graced them with very beautiful."


Manila Clothes Stand,1965年

在遇到一位专门以藤作为材料制作工艺品的工匠后,Milá 创作了更多的藤制品。自2019年以来,设计品牌Trenat重新发行许多藤制品。这款衣架之所以被Milá更偏爱,是因为这是他每天都会使用。


Manila Clothes Stand, 1965
Milá created many more works from rattan, after meeting a master craftsman who specialised in this material. Since 2019, design brand Trenat has been reissuing many of these designs. The designer favours the clothes stand because it is a piece he uses every day.
"It's light and I can easily move it about my room," he said. "It provides all I need to keep my pants, jacket, shirt and shoes tidy for a second use."


NeoRomántico Liviano 长椅, 2000年

Milá 在1992年巴塞罗那奥运会前后提出了Neo长凳系列的概念。该系列由Santa & Cole旗下的城市家具部门Urbidermis生产,于1995年推出,并持续发展至2021年。

“有一天,我在街上走路时看到一个老人试图从他坐着的街凳上站起来,我注意到这对他来说是多么困难。”Milá 说道,“座位位置倾斜角度太大,也太低了。”



NeoRomántico Liviano Bench, 2000
Milá came up with the concept for the Neo bench series around the time of the Barcelona Olympics in 1992. Produced by Urbidermis, the street furniture arm of Santa & Cole, the series launched in 1995 and continued evolving up to 2021.
"I was walking one day when I saw an old man trying to stand from the street bench he was sitting on and noticed how difficult it was for him," said Milá. "The seating position was too reclined and low."
"All benches in Barcelona at the time were this same type," he continued. "It made me think about how I could design a bench that would allow older people to stand gracefully."
"This bench is now the most common in Barcelona and many other places. I am proud to have been able to serve the community, adding comfort to outdoor living."


Constanza Chair,2024年

Constanza椅是Milá 今年即将推出的新款休闲椅。它由轻盈的藤条结构和舒适的皮革座椅靠背组成,是Milá 非常满意的作品。

Constanza Chair, 2024
The Constanza (pictured far left) is a new lounge chair that Milá is set to launch this year.
"It is made of a light rattan structure with a comfortable leather seat and back," he said. "I am very happy with the result."




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