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自然是最好的课堂 | 丹麦Vrå儿童文化中心第1张图片

Vrå Children and Culture Center / JAJA Architects



The Vrå Children and Culture Centre goes beyond a conventional school building. It is a place that challenges the boundaries between classroom academics, extracurricular activities, and community life. Evolving the isolated nature of many traditional schools, Vrå is just as much a community space for the entire town, as it is for the students. Architecturally, by blending the built environment with the surrounding landscape, the school challenges the relationship between constructed and natural.

自然是最好的课堂 | 丹麦Vrå儿童文化中心第2张图片

自然是最好的课堂 | 丹麦Vrå儿童文化中心第3张图片


The spaces within the school are shaped by both conventional building materials and parts of the natural surroundings, creating a cohesive relationship between the building and the site. Trunks of the surrounding trees become slender columns inside the lobby, the forest floor becomes interior courtyards, and the canopy becomes the wooden roof structure that encloses the central gathering space. The trees outside that envelop the school also become the shading system. Carefully chosen deciduous trees provide shade in the summer while letting light during the winter. Nature and program, building and forest, architecture and landscape all interact in the Vrå Children and Culture Centre to become one cohesive entity.

自然是最好的课堂 | 丹麦Vrå儿童文化中心第4张图片

自然是最好的课堂 | 丹麦Vrå儿童文化中心第5张图片

景观和学习树林。景观的特点是开阔的草地和几何规划的树林元素,这些元素共同形成了树群之间空地的明显差异。受C.TH Sørensen在Herning的几何花园和现有景观的启发,项目设计了学习树林、Vrå校园以及其他用于休闲学习的几何景观元素。

The Landscape and Learning Forest. The landscape is characterized by open grass plains and geometrically planned forest elements. Together, they create a distinct spatial differentiation between the cluster of trees and the open spaces in between. Inspired by both C.TH Sørensen’s geometric gardens in Herning and the existing landscape, we designed the Learning Forest, the Vrå School, and additional geometric landscape elements used for recreational learning.

自然是最好的课堂 | 丹麦Vrå儿童文化中心第6张图片


Organic Façade. The forest becomes the second façade of the building. Programmed with many different activities in all the layers of the forest, it creates a living frame for the building, changing with the seasons and throughout the day. Surrounded by the forest and nearby lake, the outside areas are used for teaching as well as a playground. The green landscape offers various ways for the children to play and learn and establish a good relationship with nature.

建筑设计:JAJA Architects
面积:20000 m²
摄影:Rasmus Hjortshøj
设计团队:Kathrin Gimmel, Jakob Christensen, Jan Tanaka, Rie Celine Nielsen, Pola Rebecca Koch, Bruno Malusa, Mette Greve, Ervin Trombitas, Stephen Dietz-Hodgson, Sam De Boever, Natalia Gruszczynska, Caroline Lowen

Architects: JAJA Architects
Area: 20000 m²
Year: 2022
Photographs:Rasmus Hjortshøj
Design Team: Kathrin Gimmel, Jakob Christensen, Jan Tanaka, Rie Celine Nielsen, Pola Rebecca Koch, Bruno Malusa, Mette Greve, Ervin Trombitas, Stephen Dietz-Hodgson, Sam De Boever, Natalia Gruszczynska, Caroline Lowen
City: Vrå
Country: Denmark




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