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Appreciation towards Jo?o and Andreia Rodrigues for providing the following description:



CasasNaAreia is located 1 hour south from Lisbon, in Comporta - Portugal. This region is known for the magnificent white sandy beaches, the wine, fresh fish, the rice paddies and the pine trees. It′s integrated on the natural reserve of river Sado, home to a great variety of wild life suchas flamingos, storks and dolphins. It′s one of the best places in Portugal for bird watching. You can easily see up to 100 different species in just1 day.

CasasNaAreia is located near the small fishing village of Carrasqueira. Here you can visit the unique Palafitte Harbour of Carrasquiera - a jetty on stilts. This was a creative solution for the local fishing community to access the boats during low tied, since the banks of the river get very muddy. Here at sunset you can enjoy unique experiences and breathtaking images of the Sado.

该项目由建筑师Manuel Aires Mateus设计完成,运输至室内的细沙成为统一内外部世界的元素,营造一种生活在延伸的自然环境中的感觉。细沙的运用改变了空间尺度,带来更加诗意和舒适的居住体验。该设计的构思借鉴了当地老建筑的“纯真”特性,印证了已被遗忘的生活哲学—快乐源于智慧地化繁为简。

建筑师设计了四个独立的房间,分别为两个木头芦苇房和两个白色混凝土房。所有房顶均用萨多河畔收割的当地茅草铺盖而成,重现了古老建筑的“灵魂”、表现出对当地传统的极大尊重。本土工匠António Pinela负责茅屋的建筑工作,每隔6年会更换一次芦苇和茅草。

Regarding this project from the architect Manuel Aires Mateus, we can say that the sand transported to the interior becomes the unifying elementbetween internal and external worlds, making us believe we live in an extension of the natural environment. This particularity transforms the space scale and living in this houses more poetic and comfortable. This project, conceived over the “innocence” of old local buildings, confirmsthe lost paradigm of life: “happiness is based on the intelligent use of simplicity”.

The Construction, In order to recover the “soul” of the pre-existent constructions and respecting the local traditions, four separate houses werebuilt: two of wood and reeds, and the other two in white concrete, all with thatched roofs - local material harvested on the banks of river Sado. The construction of the huts were made by António Pinela, a local artisan, that every 6 to 6 years has to renew the reeds and thatch.

客厅是开放式的“茅屋”,同时也是公共活动空间。配备齐全的整体厨房采用美观的白色可丽耐材料。餐桌是可以容纳8人就座的“大脚E15长桌”。摆放在客厅的白色“Gervasoni Ghost”沙发极具舒适感;冬天,海沙铺就的地面可以加热供暖。

The living room, It is an open space "hut" and the common area of the "Casas".The fully equipped kitchen is integrated in a beautiful white corian structure.The eating area has a Bigfoot E15 table that sits eight.The living space invites for relaxation on the white Gervasoni Ghost Sofas. The beach sand floor can be heated in winter.

卧室为混凝土地面;浴室采用开放式布局,内设极致简洁的白色可丽耐材料卫具。白色的亚麻窗帘和Gervasoni Ghost床与木桩床头柜形成强烈的对比。

The Bedrooms, have concrete floors and minimalist white Corian open plan Bathrooms.The white linen fabric curtains and the Gervasoni Ghost Beds contrast with the wooden trunks as bed side tables.


The Garden, was left wild with its spontaneous vegetation on the dunes.Small, (sandy cloured), swimming pool to refresh the warm summer days.In the pool area, outdoor furniture by Kettal and a big daybed is built on a local fishing boat.


CasasNaAreia has four 30m2 double bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms and fully equipped amenities ideal for groups of up to 8 people. An openplan dining area offers state-of-the-art lighting and sound system. The services include swimming pool towels, high speed internet, ipod dockingsound system, microwave oven, dish washer, coffee machine, cooking utensils. A small utility room contains a washing machine and 4 bicycles forguests exclusive use, free of charge.

↑ 房间I — 平面图  House I - plan

↑ 房间I — 立面图  House I - elevation

↑ 房间I — 立面图  House I - elevation

↑ 房间I — 剖面图  House I - section

↑ 房间II — 平面图  House II - plan

↑ 房间II — 立面图  House II - elevation

↑ 房间II — 立面图  House II - elevation

↑ 房间II — 立面图  House II - elevation

↑ 房间I — 剖面图  House I - section

↑ 房间II — 剖面图  House II - section

MORE: Jo?o and Andreia Rodrigues




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