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  Form the architect :At Yangpyeong Moonhori, opposite north river at edge of mountain foot. It doesn’t place at all yet, so I can imagine many things. When I saw the landscape, I couldn’t say anything. It was amazing. I felt like part of landscape.... I thought that the place would create grate harmony with architecture. This place designed by light and remember (White & Write). I thought that the house have to be empty like bowl for people to record their memories. So, I wanted to build simple and plain (minimalism). This is because I wand to put nature into house. The more Architecture is unfamiliar, the more fascinating. As time goes by, house will be change but it will be beautiful and antique as it is. In addition, the house will show new face every day by time. People can fill their memories into house.
W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第1张图片

  ↑ 北立面

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第2张图片

  ↑ 西立面

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第3张图片

  ↑ 北院,白色外观,灰色矮院墙。建筑师用砖赋予建筑不同的立面机理。

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第4张图片

  ↑ 各角度外观

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第5张图片

  ↑ 车库与入口

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第6张图片

  ↑ 从餐厅看客厅,尽头楼梯通往二层

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第7张图片

  ↑ 客厅墙面,有一扇大推拉门通往卧室

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第8张图片

  ↑ 从客厅看餐厅

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第9张图片

  ↑ 从餐厅看厨房

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第10张图片

  ↑ 细部装饰与卫浴间

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第11张图片

  ↑ 视野良好的屋顶花园

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第12张图片

  ↑ 立面,光影,季节

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第13张图片

  ↑ 沐浴阳光的北院,一侧有个下沉式室外休息区

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第14张图片

  ↑ 车库

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第15张图片

  ↑ 车库砖墙面,砖镂空与庭院相连

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第16张图片

  ↑ 夜景

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第17张图片

  ↑ 地面层

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第18张图片

  ↑ 顶层

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第19张图片

  ↑ 剖面

W+ house, South Korea / 100 A第20张图片

  ↑ 剖面l

  “W+ house” data sheet
  Architects : 100 A
  Location : Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  Area : total floor(165sqm), site(430sqm)
  Year : 2014
  Photographs : CHOI, BK in 100 A

     via: gooood




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