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Gantenbein Vineyard Facade, Flasch, Switzerland, 2006 Non-Standardised Brick Facade

该项目是小而精的葡萄园的延伸。葡萄酒生产者想要修建一所新的服务大楼,大楼内包含用于葡萄加工的大型发酵室、储存酒桶的地下酒窖和品尝葡萄酒及接待的屋顶露台。Bearth & Deplazes Architects设计了该项目,当我们受邀设计外表皮时,该项目已在施工当中。

The project was realised as an extension of a small but remarkably successful vineyard. The wine producers wanted a new service building, consistingof a large fermentation room for processing grapes, a cellar dug into the ground for storing the wine barrels, and a roof terrace for wine tastings andreceptions. Bearth & Deplazes Architects designed the project, and it was already under construction when they invited us to design its facade.

Photo ? Ralph Feiner


The initial design proposed a simple concrete skeleton filled with bricks: The masonry acts as a temperature buffer, as well filtering the sunlight forthe fermentation room behind it. The bricks are offset so that daylight penetrates the hall through the gaps between the bricks. Direct sunlight, whichwould have a detrimental effect on the fermentation, is however excluded. Polycarbonate panels are mounted inside to protect against wind. On theupper floor, the bricks form the balustrade of the roof terrace.

Photo ? Ralph Feiner  


The robotic production method that we developed at the ETH enabled us to lay each one of the 20,000 bricks precisely according to programmedparameters about the desired angle and at the exact prescribed intervals. This allowed us to design and construct each wall to possess the desired light and air permeability, while creating a pattern that covers the entire building facades. According to the angle at which they are set, the individualbricks each reflect light differently and thus take on different degrees of lightness. Similarly to pixels on a computer screen they add up to a distinctiveimage and thus communicate the identity of the vineyard. In contrast to a two-dimensional screen, however, there is a dramatic play between plasticity,depth and colour, dependent on the viewer’s position and the angle of the sun.

Photo ? Ralph Feiner


The masonry of the vineyard’facade looks like an enormous basket filled with grapes. At closer view in contrast to its pictorial effect at a distance, the sensual, textile softness of the walls dissolves into the materiality of the stonework. The observer is surprised that the soft, round forms are actually composed of individual, hard bricks. The facade appears as a solidified dynamic form, in whose three-dimensional depth the viewer’s eyeis invited to wander. In the interior, the daylight that penetrates creates a mild, yet luminous atmosphere. Looking towards the light, the design becomes manifest in its modulation through the open gaps. It is superimposed on the image of the landscape that glimmers through at different levels of definition according to the perceived contrast.

Photo ? Ralph Feiner

Photo ? Ralph Feiner

Photo ? Ralph Feiner

Photo ? Ralph Feiner

Photo ? Ralph Feiner

Left: Photo ? Ralph Feiner   Right: Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler   

下落的球体 Falling Spheres

设计外表皮时,我们采用了生成工艺—即将Bearth & Deplazes设计的混凝土结构工程想象成一个装满抽象的、不同大小的巨型葡萄的篮子。我们用数字技术模拟葡萄受重力影响落入虚拟篮子最终紧密堆叠在一起的情形,然后从四个方向进行观察,最终将得出的数字图像数据计算成每个砖块的转向角度。参观者在建筑外面会看到巨型的人造葡萄,而这正是我们设计时建筑内部的真实图景。

To create the facade, we designed a generation process. We interpreted the concrete frame construction by Bearth & Deplazes as a basket and filledit with abstract, oversized grapes of varying diameters. We digitally simulated gravity to make the grapes fall into this virtual basket, until they wereclosely packed. Then we viewed the result from all four sides and transferred the digital image data to the rotation of the individual bricks. On the built facades, the visitor discerns gigantic, synthetic grapes, which were virtually inside the building as we developed our design.

Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler

Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler, ETH Zurich

Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler, ETH Zurich


However, the architectural implications of this brick facade are more elaborate and diverse than those of a two-dimensional image. To the human eye, able to detect even the finest difference in colour and lightness, the subtle deflection of the bricks create an appearance and plasticity that isconstantly changing along with the movement of the observer and of the sun over the course of the day.

Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler


The joints between the bricks were left open to create transparency and allow daylight to trickle into the building. In order to make the pattern discernible from the interior we laid the bricks as close together as possible so that the gap at full deflection was nearly closed. This produced a maximum contrast between the open and the closed joints and allowed the light to model the interior walls poetically.

Left: Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler   Middle: Photo ? Ralph Feiner   Right: Photo ? Ralph Feiner

砌砖 Bricklaying


The wall elements were manufactured as a pilot project in our research facilities at the ETH Zurich, transported by lorry to the construction site, and installed using a crane. Because construction was already quite advanced, we had only three months before assembly on site. This made manufacturing the 72 facade elements a challenge both technologically and in terms of deadlines. As the robot could be driven directly by the designdata, without our having to produce additional implementation drawings, we were able to work on the design of the facade up to the very last minutebefore starting production.

Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler, ETH Zurich


To accelerate the manufacturing process for the 400 square metre facade, we had to develop an automated process for applying the two-componentbonding agent. Because each brick has a different rotation, every single brick has a different and unique overlap with the brick below it, and the onebelow that. Together with the brick manufacturer and engineer, we established a method in which four parallel bonding agent paths are applied, foreach brick individually, at pre-defined intervals to the central axis of the wall element. Load tests performed on the first elements manufactured revealed that the bonding agent was so structurally effective that the reinforcements normally required for conventional prefabricated walls were unnecessary.

Left: Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler, ETH Zurich   Middle: Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler   Right: Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler

Left: Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler   Middle: Photo ? Ralph Feiner   Right: Photo ? Ralph Feiner

Credits:Gramazio & Kohler, Zurich

In cooperation with: Bearth & Deplazes Architekten, Valentin Beath, Andrea Deplazes, Daniel Ladner, Chur/ZurichClient: Marta and Daniel GantenbeinCollaborators: Tobias Bonwetsch (project lead), Michael Knauss, Michael Lyrenmann, Silvan Oesterle, Daniel Abraha, Stephan Achermann, Christoph Junk, Andri L黶cher, Martin TannSelected experts: J黵g Buchli (structural engineer) Dr. Nebosja Mojsilovic und Markus Baumann, IBK ETH Zurich (structural tests)Industry partner: Keller AG Ziegeleien

Address: Ausserdorf 31, 7306 FlaschPlanning: April until May 2006Execution: May until July 2006

Photo ? Bearth & Deplazes

Photo ? Bearth & Deplazes

Photo ? Bearth & Deplazes

Photo ? Bearth & Deplazes

Photo ? Gramazio & Kohler

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