A veil of water of 40 metre length stretches above the current below the Rossignolet waterfall. It is a wet and vigorating, interactive threshold thatinvites the visitor to cross.
The waterfall is called the Bridal Veil for its delicate appearance, its uniform distribution on a deposit of volcanic ash. When the sun is up, lights andshadows of the forest and reflections of the water finally complete the magical scene of the waterfall.
From the first sketches of the projects the idea was to use the water and its characteristic as the main component of the installation. The fresh soundof the source plays with the multiple reflections and transparency of the water. The second idea is to underline the beauty of the context, to create something that would match with the lights and shadows and the large wooden trunks of the forest.
A reservoir collects water directly from the waterfall and an overfilling regulates the flow of water. A filter prevents particles to enter the water. Thewater then flows into the timber channel, through 4000 holes arranged every centimetre.
该装置由西班牙的一家木工厂制作,由设计师Louis Sicard,Emil Yusta以及工匠Thorsten Fischer耗时10天现场安装完成。水帘装置在Horizons Sancy art and nature festival艺术节中展出,展出时间延续到2014年9月。
The project was prepared by a carpenter workshop in Spain and installed onsite during 10 days by Louis Sicard and Emil Yusta, architects, and Thorsten Fischer, Carpenter. The piece is installed for the Horizons, Sancy art and nature festival and can be visited until September 2014.