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西班牙巴塞罗那El Roure社区中心和La Ginesta图书馆是一个混合型文化设施,包括一个带有多功能剧院的社区中心和一个市政图书馆,这是技术人员、行政管理层和公民合力完成的成果。这一社区中心完全融于周围环境,推动社交和文化交流,社区中心复原了Begues溪流边自然景观形态,还有一棵长满树叶的橡木,社区于是命名为“橡木社区”。
The community centre El Roure and the library La Ginesta are a mix cultural facility which includes a community centre with a multipurpose theatre and a municipal library as a result of a joint work among technicians, administration and citizens. Fully integrated into its surroundings, the centre is a social and cultural catalyst which enhances a natural space by the landscape recovering of Begues Stream and of a downy oak which names the centre.

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第1张图片

Begues是位于格拉夫自然公园的自治市,需要修建图书馆、社区中心和多功能剧院。沿着  Begues 溪流边沿的三角形地块被安排,用于施行这一由几个本地组织和三个不同行政部门参与的项目。

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第2张图片

Conceptual overall decisions and formal aspects
Begues, a municipality located in Garraf Natural Park, required a library, a community centre and a multipurpose theatre. To carry out the project, in which several local organisations and three different administrations are participating, a triangular plot which goes along the edge of Begues Stream was arranged.
The design process has crystallised a chain of synergies among organisations, administrations, technicians, citizens and the place itself. It began with the definition of an agreed and adequate functional programme and it culminated in the name's choice by the citizens of Begues and the cataloguing process of a downy oak for its cultural value.
Two main ideas underpin the conception of the new facility: to generate a confluence "inner square" and to tune into the environment revitalising the Stream.

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第3张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第4张图片

这一项目勾勒了一栋汇集三项服务的单一建筑,创造了一个人们在此集合的社区空间,社区将增进市民互动、文化协同和建设管理的可持续性。一栋带有社区中心的建筑应该多元化、多中心,以支持各种用户和可预见的活动,但它还必须能够增进并和谐化组织与使用者间的关系。建筑项目开始就定义了基础核心这一概念,基础核心是一种集合,能够吸引和连接功能项目中规定的所有区域, 所有的用户既同属于基础核心,又具有自身的独立身份。
建筑因此设计成既像溪流、河湾又像池塘,有流动感又能与环境相映衬。有机几何样的外在轮廓就像靠着过去蜿蜒的河湾,同时又制造了一条新通道,社区内有那棵以其名命名社区的橡木,它的有形性有时体现在玻璃镜面中(建筑物的玻璃镜面能够倒映风景),有时体现在生物圈层面(尊重自然环境并与之和谐)。在内部,项目的每个部分都有其天然位置,建筑外形就像遵循水流的液压逻辑,腐蚀和沉积确定溪流岸边缘一样。因此,内部以纵向层次组织,保持着溪流的线条,空间或减少或加宽,一种渐进的形态,靠近原来Begues溪流一面的外观更加动态、流动、线条清晰,呈流水状,面对着山的那面更加稳固、晦暗、隐秘或多石。主要是图书馆,但Espai Nou,Punt Jove和酒吧也都朝向外面有开阔风景的那面,可以欣赏到壮丽的景色。剧院、排演包厢和各种更为封闭的服务场所设计在最后层或溪流的最远处。所有这些空间都通过一个集合被连接,集合的形态、有形性和自然采光产生了一种自然的氛围,使人产生一种漫步溪流边的联想。

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第5张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第6张图片

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第7张图片

The “inner square”:
The project outlines a single building which gathers the three services, creating a community space, a place where people meet, which will enhance citizen interaction, cultural synergy and sustainability in its construction and management. The architecture that hosts a facility of this kind should be diverse and pluricentric in order to support a wide variety of users and foreseen activities, but it must also have the ability to strengthen and harmonise the relationship between organisations and users. The architectural project begins with the definition of a foundation core, an agora able to attract and articulate around all areas defined in the functional programme, a place where all users can identify themselves as belonging to it.  
To tune into the environment revitalising the Stream:
The triangular plot is located at the bottom of a hill covered with pine trees and bordered by two streets on its minor sides and by Fonda Stream (specifically on the flood limit drawn up by the Catalan Water Agency) on its major side.
The building accepts the limits of the plot as its own and occupies the entire place to achieve a horizontal construction integrated into the landscape of the stream and which can accommodate the lobby.
The design wants to recover the stream and the collective memory of a pool (popular place for summer recreation). For this reason, the main facade is oriented to the north, picking up the flow of neighbours coming from Ral path and reassessing this forgotten landscape, revitalising the ecosystem and promoting a new relationship with the users of the centre.
The building therefore aims to be a stream, a meander and a pool, flowing and reflecting the environment. The profile of organic geometry of the facade reflects the reverberation of the winding meander, generating a new access path and embracing the oak that names the Centre; its materiality is sometimes mirrored (to reflect and multiply the landscape in each piece of glass) and sometimes biospherical (to respect the naturalness of the environment).
Inside, each part of the programme finds its natural place, almost respecting the hydraulic logic by which erosion and sediment define the edge of the bank of the stream. Thus, the inside is organised in longitudinal layers tracing the line of the stream and resulting in more or less dilated spaces, which have a progressive materiality more dynamic, fluid, clear and watery near the facade of the stream and more solid, opaque, private or stony in front of the mountain. Mainly the library but also Espai Nou, Punt Jove and the bar are developed along this opening landscape facade which offers magnificent sightseeing options. The theatre, the rehearsal boxes and the various more closed type services are in the last layer or farthest place of the stream. All these spaces are articulated through an agora whose morphology, materiality and natural lighting procure a natural atmosphere which recalls the one enjoyed touring the stream.

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第8张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第9张图片

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第10张图片

社区中心:中心主要有"Punt Jove"、信息台、老年人的"Espai Nou"、音乐排演包厢、会议室和展览室,在一个多功能大厅周围汇集了多种横向服务。

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第11张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第12张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第13张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第14张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第15张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第16张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第17张图片

Functional programme summary
Library: With an initial collection of 18,587 documents, the library has its own access and connection with the rest of the centre. It has a reception desk, a magazines area, a multipurpose room and a children's area on the ground floor, as well as a general area and an internal work area on the first floor. Above the stairs, a large mural made from handmade illustrations represents a collection of the flora and fauna of the surrounding environment.
Community Centre: "Punt Jove", the information desk, "Espai Nou" for seniors, the musical rehearsal boxes, the meeting rooms and the exhibition room are the main areas of this centre which gathers transversal services around a multipurpose hall.
Theatre: With a capacity for 336 people, it has retractable tiers of seats that allow versatility for use as a stage or a dance floor. It has a space for construction and assembly of scenographies.
External areas: The building, fully facing the stream, has catalysed the recovery of the landscape by two interventions. The walk of the stream and the path of the front bank. Walk of the stream: It runs adjacent to the stream and gives access to the facilities. When walking past the oak which names the centre, it is widen like a lookout terrace. Path and connection to the slaughterhouse: As part of the stream landscape recovery performance, a new way of connecting the slaughterhouse room is drawn located on the other side of the bank which goes across a "Japanese path".

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第18张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第19张图片

设计中的创新/ 区位优势

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第20张图片

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第21张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第22张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第23张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第24张图片

“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第25张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第26张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第27张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第28张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第29张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第30张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第31张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第32张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第33张图片
“El Roure” Community Centre and “La Ginesta”Library / Calderon Folch Sars...第34张图片

Innovation in design/ regional priority
Even if the construction has finished on 2014, for economic reasons not technical; it has to be taken under consideration that the project is from 2009, and that at that time, wood façades and biomass boilers where a real innovation in Spain, still are somehow.
Economic and financial management criteria and results
This building is about economical sustainability.  About the time the Global Financial Crisis hit Spain in 2007, the Town Hall of Begues started the preliminary studies for what it will happen to be the most important public facility in the village ever. And they did it in a very smart and efficient way by concentrating into a single building the new Library, the Theatre and a Community Centre as well as some other existing spaces spread outthought the town (elderly centre, youth information point, local choir and other associations’ spaces). This nucleus conception would allow the municipality to gather most of the public social workers into a single facility for a more efficient management.
This innovative approach based on synergy was also applied to the financial structure finally approved in 2009. The total cost of the construction was divided in three parts: the Town Hall itself, the Barcelona’s Local Governments Net (Diputació de Barcelona) and the Government of Catalonia. This complex arrangement would not only make the financing possible but it would also enrich the project extraordinarily as some of these administrations have a vast experience in this kind of facilities –for instance, the Diputació de Barcelona runs 216 libraries in a territory of 5.540.925 people!-.
The total cost of the building is 5.450.980,22   




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