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The Green Pulse
SK Yee Healthy Life Centre
The SK Yee Healthy Life Centre is a modest yet meaningful project. Ronald Lu & Partners (RLP)completed the architectural design, including the interior fit-out, for a rooftop addition with the construction of a lightweight 380 sq.m. structure.
Its “lean and green” design allows the SK Yee Healthy Life Centre to provide more than just a healing environment – it also acts as a home, a garden and a playground for patients. Its quiet rooftop location offers an ambience of calmness and serenity throughout, immersing patients in nature and daylight and offering them a stress-free healing experience. It demonstrates an exceptional example of the integration of sustainable design into healthcare architecture.

SK Yee Healthy Life Centre / Ronald Lu & Partners第1张图片

↑ High green ratio of 57 percent 高达57%的绿化率


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↑ This ¨lean and green〃 building turns an empty roof into a meaningful space. 空屋顶从而变成一个有意义的绿色空间

A Lean and Green Addition
The concept is simple yet profound – the building embodies a number of green elements, beginning with its lightweight steel structure and low-carbon design features. The concept of “pulsation” informs the internal planning of the space, with each counselling room and functional area attached to a garden, creating a constant interplay between interior and exterior; continually drawing light and air into the structure.
A Light and Airy Interior
The building structure is modest, yet at the same time rich with features. The Centre is 100 percent naturally lit and ventilated. The interior was designed with cross-ventilated windows which allow patients to have control over their environment, creating a place of comfort, respect and dignity. The naturally-ventilated interiors greatly improve indoor air quality, promoting a healthy interior environment which brings additional low-carbon benefits.

SK Yee Healthy Life Centre / Ronald Lu & Partners第3张图片

↑ Extensive green roofs and walls offer a landscape for the enjoyment of the patients and surrounding neighbours. 绿色的屋顶和墙壁成为这区域一道靓丽的风景线。




SK Yee Healthy Life Centre / Ronald Lu & Partners第4张图片

↑ External green walls blend with green roof. 绿色屋顶和绿色墙壁融为一体。

Greenery is prevalent throughout the Centre. Its integrated green roof and wall design creates a greenery coverage ratio of over 57 percent. Its extensive green roofs and walls not only reduce air-conditioner loading, but also offer a landscape that both the patients and surrounding neighbours can enjoy. This external landscape integrates seamlessly and harmoniously with the interiors, creating a stress-free experience for the patients.
With a number of unusual and intricate spaces under the slanted roofs and a playful interior with plenty of natural ventilation and daylight, the Centre provides a unique and fun counselling environment for children. The Slide House creates a wonderful and immediate interplay between the interior and exterior spaces.
The Centre is a showcase of sustainable healthy architecture which is highly significant for both healthcare professionals and patients. Opening a new chapter in healing architecture, healthcare professionals were actively involved in the design of the project from the earliest inception stage. This involvement helped created a calm ambience, immersed in light and air, which helps allay patient anxiety and ultimately transforms an empty space into a space filled with serenity and meaning.

SK Yee Healthy Life Centre / Ronald Lu & Partners第5张图片

↑ There is no boundaries in the multi-function room. 没有边界的多功能厅

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↑ The interior connects to a small garden, bringing light and air into the space.内部与小花园相连,获得新鲜空气与光线

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↑ A bright and airy interior 明亮通风的室内

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↑ Existing trees border the Slide House garden. 与花园联系的室内

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↑ The Slide House creates a unique connection between interior and exterior. 滑梯联系室内外

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↑ Interiors immersed in light and air, creating a domestic ambience to help allay patient anxiety. 沉浸在阳光与新鲜空气中,拥有开放式分为的室内环境有助于减轻患者的焦虑

SK Yee Healthy Life Centre / Ronald Lu & Partners第12张图片

↑ Design concept of adult counselling room 成人心理咨询室概念

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↑ Design concept of children counselling room  儿童心理咨询室概念

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↑ Plan 平面

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↑ diagram flatten 立体图

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↑ diagram flatten detail 立体图细部

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↑ ELEVATIONS lift lobby 电梯厅立面

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↑ ELEVATIONS office 办公室立面

项目名称 余兆麒健康生活中心
建筑师 吕元祥建筑师事务所
建筑团队 梁杰文、黄锦星、郑伯超、伍美仪、彭肇基
地点 香港屯门
委托人 屯门医院
顾问 土木及结构工程师 : 凌隽发展顾问有限公司
屋宇装备工程师: 远东顾问工程师有限公司
承包商 : EDM 建筑有限公司
功能 社区建筑医疗建筑
竣工日期 2014
地盘面积 app. 800 sq.m.
Award 2014 年亚洲建+设大奖 (前身”透视设计大奖”) – 公共建筑优异奖
2014 年 DWA 国际设计大奖 - 空间设计优异奖
2014 年美国建筑师学会(香港分会)- 可持续发展设计奖
2014 年美国建筑师学会(香港分会)- 建筑优异奖
2012 年环保建筑大奖 - 优异奖

Project Information
Project Name SK Yee Healthy Life Centre
Architect Ronald Lu & Partners
Project Team Andy Leung, Lemuel Cheng, Helen Ng, Gary Pang
Location Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Client Tuen Mun Hospital
Function Community/ Healthcare
Completion Date 2014
Site Area app. 800 sq.m.
Floor Area app. 350 sq.m.   
Award 2014 Design for Well-being Award – Space Design
Merit Award
2014 The American Institute of Architects
(Hong Kong Chapter) – Sustainable Design Award
2014 The American Institute of Architects
(Hong Kong Chapter) – Merit Award for Architecture
2012 Green Building Award – Merit Award
Civil & Structural Engineer DCL Consultants Ltd.
Building Services Engineer Far East Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Quantity Surveyor Rider Levett Bucknall Limited
Contractor EDM Construction Company Ltd.
Façade& Glazing Osmar Far East Ltd.
Wall Coverings EDM Construction Ltd.
Lighting Zodiac Lighting Ltd.
Ceiling Mounted Lighting Zodiac Lighting Ltd.
Structural Frames & Systems Fook Lee Construction Co. Ltd.; &
EDM Construction Ltd.
Paints & Coatings Nippon Paint (HK) Co. Ltd.
Countertops Samsung Staron
Textile/Leather EDM Construction Ltd.
吕元祥建筑师事务所于 1976 年在香港成立,业务涵盖建筑设计、总体规划及室内设计,参与的项目类型广泛,包括大型城市综合发展、综合交通枢纽项目、商业、住宅、文化及公共建筑等,在业界屡获殊荣,获得六十多个香港及国际设计奖项。近年作品包括上海莘庄站体复合城TODTOWN、广州天环广场和保利威座、香港零碳天地、香港城市大学教学楼三、华润集团总部综合大楼、百子里公园等。事务所于 2015年更获建筑界权威杂志《bd》选为世界一百大建筑设计事务所之一,全球排名第 51位。
事务所现有员工逾 600 名,办事处分布香港、北京、上海、广州和深圳。
About Ronald Lu & Partners (RLP)
Ronald Lu & Partners (RLP), established in Hong Kong in 1976, is an award-winning practice specializing in architectural and interior design and master planning. The firm has completed and is engaged in wide variety of projects, including large-scale integrated urban developments, integrated transportation hubs, commercial buildings, residential developments, and cultural and public developments. RLP has received over 60 local and international accolades for its exceptional projects, in particular the Zero Carbon Building, Academic 3 of the City University of Hong Kong, the China Resources Building and Pak Tsz Lane Park. The firm was ranked 51st on bd’s list of top 100 architects in 2015.
RLP has offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, housing its strong team of over 600 professionals. Committed to charity and social responsibility, RLP has been awarded the Caring Company Logo for five years in a row.




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