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Alingsås地方法院扩建项目/ Tengbom第1张图片

Tengbom adds "monolithic" zinc-clad extension to Alingsås District Court



Architecture studio Tengbom has added a zinc-clad extension to a traditional brick courthouse building in the Swedish town of Alingsås .

Alingsås地方法院扩建项目/ Tengbom第2张图片

Alingsås地方法院由建筑师Adrian Crispin Pettersson于1899年建造,现瑞典事务所Tengbom将对其进行扩建,赋予传统的砖砌建筑以现代特征。

The addition to the Alingsås District Court is designed by Swedish firm Tengbom to offer a contemporary counterpoint to an original brick building designed by architect Adrian Crispin Pettersson and completed in 1899.

Alingsås地方法院扩建项目/ Tengbom第3张图片


考虑到再次进行扩建,法院最初委托了建筑师Börje Falemo负责这一项目。后邀请Tengbom重新进行设计,希望添加更多的现代元素,使之更符合现代审美标准。

The courthouse is situated in a residential neighbourhood close to the town centre and was previously extended in the 1950s, when a new brick wing was added.
Having identified a need to expand again, the District Court originally commissioned architect Börje Falemo to draw up plans. They later invited Tengbom to rework the design, adding a more contemporary aesthetic.

Alingsås地方法院扩建项目/ Tengbom第4张图片



The studio – which has previously designed a woodland trail centre covered in giant shingles and a student home measuring just ten square metres – responded with a solution that references the steeply pitched roofs of the surrounding buildings.
The design also includes contemporary interpretations of traditional details, including a saddle roof and curved bay windows.

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The architects chose to use zinc because of its robustness, which makes it suitable for both walls and roofs with flat and sloping sections.
The material is applied as exterior cladding to the thin curtain walls, resulting in a homogenous volume that helps to clearly distinguish the new structure from the original brick building.

Alingsås地方法院扩建项目/ Tengbom第6张图片

Tengbom事务所的Magnus Almung表示:“锌板是一种经典实用的建筑材料,在上世纪通常被用在屋顶部分,我们只是把它延伸到了建筑立面上来,它的应用与花岗岩墙体十分和谐。”


"Zinc is a fine old classic material which was used extensively as roofing during the last century," explained Magnus Almung of Tengbom. "We simply brought it down onto the facade and it fits beautifully with the granite foundation wall, which is a common denominator for both buildings."
The material gives the extension a bold appearance without dominating the existing District Court building according to Tengbom, which describes the addition as "a monolith in zinc".

Alingsås地方法院扩建项目/ Tengbom第7张图片

建筑师Fritz Olausson表示:“建筑是一个整体,墙壁和屋顶采用了相同的材料,甚至感觉不出屋檐的存在。”



"Monolithic buildings are typical these days, with the same material for walls and roof," added architect Fritz Olausson. "You can even see buildings without eaves."
"In the same way, saddle roofs have come back into fashion in the past few years, something we didn't see much of previously. The difference is perhaps that this building is constructed using craft techniques that are the same as at the beginning of the 20th century."
The building's walls are clad from base to ridge with the standing-seam zinc panels. Over time, the zinc surfaces will develop a patina similar to the weather-worn brick facades of the adjacent buildings.

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The use of panels with four different widths enabled the architects to create a variegated pattern that accommodates windows at points determined by the internal lighting requirements. Zinc-clad doors are also integrated seamlessly into the pattern.
Inside the building, the steeply pitched roofs are translated into high vaulted ceilings in two new courtrooms located on the upper storey.

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室内设计师Karin von Geijer表示:“室内设计需要美观庄重,因为这里会进行改变生活的案件审判,这里必须是一个能够让包括当事人和证人在内的公民感受到中立庄重的场所。”

Internal walls are lined with wood panelling that forms a warm, neutral backdrop to the space. The flooring and fitted furniture are also made of wood, creating the sense that the stands, desks and judge's bench are an extension of the floor.
"The interiors need to be beautiful and dignified, since life-changing events will take place here," said interior designer Karin von Geijer. "The rooms must be perceived as neutral as much by the public as by the parties and witnesses."

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Windows that allow natural light to enter the courtrooms can be covered by curtains for cases when privacy is required. The spacious feel of the rooms is maintained by specifying seats with semi-transparent textile backs.
Images courtesy of Tengbom.

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Floor plan/平面图

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建筑设计:Tengbom – Fritz Olausson, Magnus Almung
CAD模型和项目规划:Carl Olofsson
室内设计:Karin von Geijer
项目主创:Marcus Zetterberg, Forsen Projekt AB
方案建筑师:Börje Falemo, Falemo Hus och Interiör
委托人:Serneke,Hemfosa, 瑞典地方法院管理处

Project credits:
Architects: Tengbom – Fritz Olausson, Magnus Almung
ArchiCad model and project planning: Carl Olofsson
Interior architect: Karin von Geijer
Project leader: Marcus Zetterberg, Forsen Projekt AB
Programme architect: Börje Falemo, Falemo Hus och Interiör
Client: Hemfosa, The Swedish National Courts Administration, Serneke
Developer: Hemfosa
Production: Serneke





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