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UIA HYP Cup 2018 International Student Competition in Architectural Design\


注册时间:2018年 8月30日
奖励: 请参阅下面的细节







获奖者将有机会通过“向大师学设计(Learning Design with Master Architects)”计划的选拔,从而获得在大师事务所学习的机会。





帕特里克•舒马赫(Patrik Schumacher),扎哈•哈迪德建筑师事务所(ZHA)

佩卡•萨米宁(Pekka Salminen),PES- 建筑师事务所创始合伙人,芬兰技术科学院院士,前芬兰建筑师协会会长;
丰萨塔•涅托(Fuensanta Nieto),Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos创始人,2015年阿尔瓦•阿尔托奖章获得者;
文森特•纳丁(Vincent Nadin),荷兰代尔夫特理工大学城市规划系主任,空间规划教授;



指导机构:全国高等学校建筑学专业指导委员会; 全国高等学校建筑学专业教育评估委员会;中国美术家协会建筑艺术委员会
协办单位:清华大学建筑学院;同济大学建筑与城市规划学院;华南理工大学建筑学院; 西安建筑科技大学建筑学院;重庆大学建筑与城市规划学院;哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院
支持单位:香港大学; 香港中文大学;台湾成功大学;台湾东海大学;台湾中原基督教大学;台湾淡江大学;浙江大学;华中科技大学;大连理工大学;湖南大学;南京大学;北京大学;北京建筑工程学院;合肥工业大学;沉阳建筑大学;中央美术学院;深圳大学;厦门大学;上海交通大学;内蒙古工业大学;山东建筑大学;河北工业大学;西南交通大学;华北理工大学;北京工业大学;天津城建学院;北京交通大学;福州大学;青岛理工大学


1. 这是一个公平的比赛,向全球所有的建筑学生开放。经教育部认证的全日制建筑及相关专业学生(含硕士、博士研究生及2018年毕业的学生)以个人或小组形式参赛,每队团队成员不超过4人,指导教师不超过2名。
2. 如果学生以团队的形式参加竞赛,则每个团队需有确定一名组长负责联络工作。
3. 登录“在线注册”填写注册表并在线提交。
4. 填写报名表后,参赛者将获得一个序列号(请注意保存,因为每个参赛者/参赛队只有一个序列号)。
5. 请在2018年9月20日24:00(GMT + 8)前将图纸及相关电子文件提交至。组委会不接受纸质文件。参赛作品将统一印刷和展示。
6. 在委员会的协助下,评审团对参赛方案进行评审,并确定获奖作品。
7. 有关竞赛的疑问请发送邮件至。


1. 请将电子版图纸和相关文件提交至。请将邮件命名为“竞赛+序列号”。如果文件过大,请将其上传至“Wetransfer”或“Googledrive”等文件共享软件,并在提交邮件中提供下载链接。参赛作品将由委员会统一打印。
2. 语言:英语
3. 图纸标注尺寸必须以公制为单位。
4. 证明文件:应在电子邮件中附上可识别的身份证明文件(中国大陆地区参赛学生提供身份证扫描件,中国港澳台地区和国际参赛学生提供护照扫描件)和学生证扫描件。并承诺文件的真实性。
5. 作品规格
a. 规格:图纸841mm x 594mm画幅,横向排版。每件作品应由3幅图组成,3幅横向排版的图纸竖向排放拼接在一起。
b. 内容:可以充分表达作品创作意图的总平面图,建筑平面图、立面图、剖面图、透视图、图解等以及500 字左右的设计说明(组合于图面之中)等,比例不限。
C. 在提交作品的电子邮件中附上TXT文件,其中包括参赛者的姓名、注册号码、邮箱、手机号码、指导老师姓名和联系信息(如有)、学校及院系全名、作品名称及简要设计说明。
1)请以jpg格式提交作品,图纸分辨率不低于300 dpi,长边大于1500像素。并根据内容命名图纸(如XXX平面图1)


1. 参赛者必须同意并遵守竞赛要求和规定。竞赛组委会保留最终解释权。
2. 电子图纸中不得出现任何有关作者姓名和所在院校的文字或图案,否则会被取消参赛资格。
3. 参赛者拥有参赛作品的版权,但竞赛组织方有权行使参赛作品署名权以外的其他版权权利。
4. 在其他公开场合发表或参加过其他竞赛的作品,不允许参加竞赛。
5. 评委不能参与竞赛过程,违反规定的参赛者将会被取消参赛资格。
6. 每名参赛者只能报名一个参赛小组,不得同时参与多个小组。
7. 每个小组只能提交一份作品,禁止重复提交。一旦发现某份作品重复提交,组委会拥有选择其中一个进行参赛的权利。
8. 参赛小组信息以最终提交作品文件中的TXT文件为准。


Submission: September 20, 2018
Registration:  August 30, 2018
Language: English
Location: Concept
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open

China’s economy is shifting from the primacy of manufacturing to the primacy of a knowledge- and research-based service sector. This shift aligns with a global trend, namely the global socio-economic transformation from a society based on mechanical mass production to a society based on digital customization. This implies a city based on R&D, marketing and finance, requiring continuous networking and face to face communication. The city becomes the social super-brain.
This also implies the congregation of knowledge hungry, entrepreneurial young professionals in central locations. Everybody comes with an insatiable need to network, to learn continuously, and potentially to team up in various entrepreneurial ventures. The idea of co-living caters for this new social need and desire. Co-living offers a real opportunity to make good on all the talk about residential community which must remain a dead letter in housing projects where a random collection of residents live parallel lives. Co-living can create community, which depends on curated compatibility of the residents together with real spatial sharing.

Design task:
The task is to identify a central urban site in one of China’s 1st or 2nd tier cities and propose a co-living cluster with about 1000 small units. The units can be minimal, i.e. about 12 sqm for singles and about 16 sqm for couples. These units should be designed as prefabricated modules. However, these modules should be designed as parametric system that allows for customization. Endless repetition of identical units is to be avoided. Various species of units need to be invented, varied, and perhaps hybridized. The next aspect to be considered are the aggregation patterns that these modules allow for. The varied patters of voids and inbetween spaces should make space for social communication.
The small individual units are to be augmented with a lot of shared facilities that more than compensate for the spatial constraints of the individual units: kitchens, eating areas, lounging/living areas, café/bar areas, co-working areas etc. Together with the voids these shared spaces deliver the communicative tissue that motivates the residents to choose this development in the first place.

1st Prize (1 team)
Certificate and 100,000 RMB (approx.15, 000 USD) (before tax);
2nd Prize (3 teams)
Certificate and 30,000 RMB (approx.5, 000 USD) (before tax);
3rd Prize (8 teams)
Certificate and 10,000 RMB (approx. 1, 700 USD) (before tax);
Honorable Mentions (several teams)
Certificate and 6-month free subscription of UED magazine;
Advisors of prize-winning projects will also be awarded with certificates;
Prize winners will have an opportunity to intern at prestigious architectural firms through the “Learning Design with Master Architects” program.

Architecture in Transformation should respond to contemporary challenges and changes. What concerns us primarily is the relationship between architecture and environment, so as to the image of city. The competition aims at searching and constructing human space with a Spirit of Place in the increasingly fragmented cities and unordered villages, exploring environment-friendly and sustainable ideas in the information age, and integrating creative concepts with solid basic skills in architectural design. The competition requires the participants to make detailed insights and reflections on architectural history, explore complicated coordinated demands of architecture and environment, pay attention to events in specific sites, and configure viable urban and architectural spaces.
“UIA-HYP Cup International Student Competition in Architectural Design” was initiated in 2012. It is internationally sponsored by the Union International des Architects (UIA), organized by the School of Architecture, Tianjin University and Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine. Shanghai HYP-ARCH Architectural Design Consultant Co. Ltd. is the Exclusive Naming Sponsor. It is a annual architectural competition which has been successfully held for 6 years. In the year of 2018, the School of Architecture, Southeast University will be the co-hosting organization. Each year, the UIA-HYP Cup is chaired by an internationally renowned architectural master, and the jury panel is selected from among the world’s most outstanding architects and professions of architecture. After six years of practice, UIA-HYP Cup, the international student architectural design competition that organized by Chinese academic institutions, has become one of the most influential and credible student competitions in the world with the broad impact in the field of architecture education at home and abroad.

Jury Chairman:
Patrik Schumacher, Principal of Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)
Executive Jury Chairman:
Cui Kai, UIA Representative; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Chinese Architecture Design Master
Jury Members:
Pekka Salminen, Founding Partner of the PES-Architects Ltd., Member of Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences, Former President of Finnish Association of Architects
Zhuang Weimin, Dean, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University.
Koichi Yasuda, Professor of the Department of Architecture & Building Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Professor of Yasuda Atelier
Li Zhenyu, Dean and Professor of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
Fuensanta Nieto, Founder of Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Winner of 2015 Alvar Aalto Medal
Han Dongqing, Dean, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Architecture, Southeast University
Vincent Nadin, Professor of Spatial Planning, Chairman of Department of Urbanism, Technische Universiteit Delft, the Netherlands
Zhang Qi, Dean, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Architecture, Tianjin University.
Sun Yimin, Dean of School of Architecture, South China University of Technology, Distinguished Professor of Yangtze River Scholar, National Reputed Educators
Peng Lixiao, Chief Editor of Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine; Guest Professor of the School of Architecture, Tianjin University, Director of CBC (China Building Center)
Gong Jun, Executive Director, General Manager and Design Director of HYP-ARCH Architectural Design Consultant CO., LTD.
Organizing Committee:
Chairman: Kong Yuhang, Deputy Dean, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor of the School of Architecture, Tianjin University

International Supporter:
Union International des Architectes (UIA)
Hosting Organization:
School of Architecture, Tianjin University;
Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine
Co-hosting Organization:
School of Architecture, Southeast University
Advising Institution:
Chinese National Supervision Committee of Higher Architecture Education;
Chinese National Evaluation Committee of Higher Architecture Education;
Architecture Art Committee of China Artists Association
Exclusive Naming Sponsor:
Shanghai HYP-ARCH Architectural Design Consultant CO., LTD.

School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University; School of Architecture, South China University of Technology; School of Architecture, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology; Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University; School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology
Supporting Organization:
The University of Hong Kong; The Chinese University of Hong Kong; National Cheng Kung University; Tunghai University; Chung Yuan Christian University; TamKang University; Zhejiang University; Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Dalian University of Technology; Hunan University; Nanjing University; Peking University; Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Hefei University of Technology; Shenyang Jianzhu University; China Central Academy of Fine Arts; Shenzhen University; Xiamen University; Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Inner Mongolia University of Technology; Shandong Jianzhu University; Hebei University of Technology; Southwest Jiaotong University; North China University of Technology; Beijing University of Technology; Tianjin Chengjian University; Beijing Jiaotong University; Fuzhou University; Qingdao University of Technology

Supporting Media:
The Architect; New Architecture; Architecture & Detail; Architecture & Culture; Designer & Designing; Urbanism and Architecture (UA); Architecture Technique (AT); the Chinese Version of A+U; Urban China;; Design Community;;;;; ABBS;;;;;

1. This is a fair competition open to all architecture students around the globe. Full-time on-campus architecture students from accredited institutions (including master and PhD candidates and graduate students of 2018) can participate alone or as a team with team members of no more than four people and advisors of no more than two.
2. Only the team leader will be contacted when necessary if students participate as a team.
3. Log on… “Online Registration” to fill out the registration form and submit online.
4. After filled in the registration form, participants will get a serial number (please take care to preserve it as each participant/participating team has only one serial number).
5. Please submit the digital version of drawings and related documents to before the submission deadline, 24:00(GMT+8) September 20th, 2018. The organizing committee accepts no printed version. Entries will be printed and exhibited together in due time.
6. With the assistance of the committee, juries will meet and decide the winners.
7. Inquiries related to the competition will be responded to via e-mail:

1. Please submit the digital version of drawings and related documents to Please include “competition+ serial number” in the e-mail subject line. If the entry is too large to attached, please upload to File Sharing Software such as “Wetransfer” or “Googledrive” and provide download link in the submission email. Entries will be printed and laid out by the committee.
2. Language: English
3. Scale and dimensions must be in metric units.
4. Documents: Recognizable scanned copy of passport and student card should be attached in the e-mail. Students themselves are responsible for the authenticity of the documents.
5. Entry Requirements
a. Specification: The layout of the 841mm x 594mm drawing should be horizontal. Each work should be composed of 3 drawings as follows:
3 horizontal layout drawings ©UED Magazine
b. Content: Site-plan that can fully express the design intention; plans, elevations and sections; perspective drawing, illustration and a design description of about 500 words (to be integrated in the pictures and drawings). There is no limitation on proportion.
c. A TXT document must be attached in the e-mails of the submission, which include participants’ name, registration number, e-mail address, mobile phone number, name and contact information of the advisor (if any), the full name of the school and department, title and brief introduction of the submitted work.
Drawing layout requirements:
1) Please submit the drawing layout (300 dpi, long side is more than 1500 pixels) in the version of jpg. and name the picture according to the content (such as XXX plan 1)
2) Please submit the text information in the folder named by the participant(s)’ name

1. Individual participants and groups must agree with and follow the competition requirements and regulations. The organizing committee reserves its right of final interpretation.
2. Entries with words or pictures relating to the name or department of participants in the digital drawings will be disqualified from the competition.
3. All entries are accepted (while including author’s name) with the explicit free right of publication, reproduction, and promotional use by competition organizers and sponsors without need for further approvals.
4. Entries that have been submitted to other competitions, published on other public occasions or found to be similar to other works in terms of design ideas will be disqualified from the competition.
5. Any participant that contacts juries about the competition during the entirety of the competition process will be disqualified from the competition.
6. Each participant can only register in one team.
7. Each group is only allowed to submit one piece of work. Repeated submission is prohibited. Once discovered, the organizing committee owns the right to choose any one of them.
8. The information of the team is based on the final submission of the TXT file.

competition’s website:




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