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     休斯顿艺术博物馆的 Nancy and Rich Kinder 中心破土动工第1张图片

       休斯顿,德克萨斯州:2017 年 6 月 1 日 - 休斯顿艺术博物馆的 Nancy and Rich Kinder 大楼于今日破土动工,该建筑为现当代艺术中心,由斯蒂文霍尔事务所设计。

  占地 164,000 平方英尺的新建筑由水平多孔性庭院塑造而成,建筑所有面向对外开放。七座花园把周围空间进行划分,确立了出入口与建筑层高。最大的花园庭院位于 Bissonnet 街道和主街道的拐角处,标志着休斯顿艺术园区的新艺术中心入口点。

  这的确是个激动人心的一天!从业 40 年来,这是我第一次参加破土动工仪式但该项目设计中的三分之一已施工到了地上二层,而不是地下停车场,它是艺术园区中的新建筑- 格拉塞尔艺术学校。在今天他们将破土启动 Nancy and Rich Kinder 现当代艺术中心的建设。
  - 斯蒂文 霍尔

  德克萨斯的天空如同一块明亮的空中穹顶呈 180°打开并笼罩在新建筑上。由云层边缘联想到的凹面弧线抵在屋顶几何上,使得自然光能够恰到好处的滑入,恰巧适合顶层展馆照明。

  Houston, TX: June 1, 2017 - The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston has broken ground on the Nancy and Rich Kinder building for modern and contemporary art, designed by Steven Holl Architects.

  The new 164,000-square-foot museum building is shaped by gardens of horizontal porosity and is open on all sides. Seven gardens slice the perimeter, marking points of entry and punctuating the elevations. The largest garden court, at the corner of Bissonnet and Main Street, marks a central entry point on the new Museum of Fine Arts, Houston campus.

  “This is indeed an exciting day! It's my first groundbreaking in 40 years of practice with the first third of the campus design already built up to the second floor - instead of a parking garage, it's a new Glassell School of the Arts beautifully crafted by a great team. They will build the Kinder Pavilion breaking ground today!” - Steven Holl

  The Texas sky opens 180°overhead above a luminous canopy covering the new building. Concave curves, imagined from cloud circles, push down on the roof geometry, allowing natural light to slip in with precise measure and quality, perfect for top-lit galleries.

    休斯顿艺术博物馆的 Nancy and Rich Kinder 中心破土动工第2张图片


  The undersides of the curved ceiling become light reflectors, catching and sliding the light across each unique gallery experience. These curved slices of light shape the gallery spaces organically in a unique way related to the organic qualities of the lush vegetation and water characterizing the new campus.

  Rather than mechanical and repetitive, the light is organic and flowing, like the movement of the galleries.

休斯顿艺术博物馆的 Nancy and Rich Kinder 中心破土动工第3张图片

  Kinder Building, Central Forum Kinder Building, Main Entry



  At the heart of a great museum experience is circulation that provides orientation and visual relief. Organized horizontally on two levels the gallery rooms of ideal proportions are flexible, centered around a triple-height forum. The open flow through galleries is punctuated by views into the seven gardens with green trellises offering shade. The central forum provides generous spaces for the exhibition of art and vertical circulation to the upper floors. A stepped ramp and elevators link the lobby and gallery levels for direct access to all galleries.

  Soft-etched, translucent glass tubes will provide natural light to the galleries and form a 'cool jacket' around the new building, reducing solar gain and creating cooling energy. At night the glowing walls will be reflected in the water gardens and provide an open invitation to enter the museum. In complementary contrast, the new building will provide a strong contribution to the existing unique collection of MFAH architecture.

休斯顿艺术博物馆的 Nancy and Rich Kinder 中心破土动工第4张图片

  为校园的扩大与整合使之成为一个完整的体验,博物馆业主同时建设了由斯蒂文霍尔事务所设计的格拉塞尔艺术学校。该项目目前还在施工,预计 2018 年 1 月完成。占地 80,000 平方英尺呈“L”型的格拉塞尔艺术学校由类石预制混凝土结构平板建造,同时采用交互的半透明玻璃镶板来构造外层。这栋建筑将包含工作室,所有到访学校团体的接待大厅,咖啡馆以及礼堂。外部的特点是两个沿着倾斜的屋顶轮廓线的户外聚集区:一个可在上面行走的屋顶平台,以及地面上的圆形露天剧场。

  Nancy and Rich Kinder 大楼和格拉塞尔艺术学校都是占地 14 英亩的博物馆中 Susan and Fayez S. Sarofim 校园重建的一部分。斯蒂文霍尔事务所从 2012 年的国际竞赛中获胜而被委托进行设计,当时进入到决赛的其他竞争者为 Snohetta 和 Morphosis 事务所。

  该项目的设计核心为校园激活社交场所,以开拓博物馆在休斯顿人们日常生活中扮演的角色,它不仅作为一个文化机构,而且是向所有人开放的城市绿洲。整个休斯顿艺术博物馆校园重建将于 2019 年末完工。

  斯蒂文霍尔建筑师事务所 是国际公认的创新型建筑与城市设计事务所,在纽约和北京均设有办公室。斯蒂文·霍尔在 1976 年创立该事务所,现有员工 45 人。斯蒂文·霍尔事务所以不胜枚举的设计奖项,书籍出版以及作品展览为众人所熟知;时代杂志将斯蒂文·霍尔评为“美国最优先的建筑师”,因其能够创作“同时满足心灵和眼睛的建筑”。最近由斯蒂文霍尔事务所完成的作品有:爱荷华大学视觉艺术馆爱荷华城,爱荷华州),Ex of In House(莱茵贝克市,纽约州),格拉斯哥艺术学院里德大楼(格拉斯哥,英国),哥伦比亚坎贝尔体育中心(纽约市,纽约州)以及来福士(成都,中国)。事务所目前的工作包括普林斯顿大学-路易斯艺术中心(普林斯顿市,新泽西州),弗吉尼亚联邦大学-当代艺术学院(里奇蒙市,弗吉尼亚州),猎人角社区图书馆(纽约市,纽约州),以及华盛顿的约翰肯尼迪表演艺术中心设计扩建方案。


  Julia van den Hout
  Original Copy

       Mary Haus
       Head of Marketing & Communications

  To expand and unite its campus as an integral experience, the Museum is also realizing a new Glassell School of Art designed by Steven Holl Architects. Currently under construction, it will open in January 2018. The 80,000 square foot L-shaped building is made of stone-like, pre-cast concrete structural slabs, alternating with translucent glass panels, to form the exterior. It will house studios, an arrival and departure hall for all school groups, a café, and an auditorium. It features two outdoor gathering spaces along its sloping roofline: a walkable roof terrace above, and an amphitheater at ground level.

  The Nancy and Rich Kinder building and Glassell School of Art are part of the 14-acre redesign of the Museum’s Susan and Fayez S. Sarofim Campus. Steven Holl Architects was selected through an international competition in 2012 among finalists Snohetta and Morphosis.

  Central to the design, the campus activates social spaces to expand the role the Museum plays in the daily life of Houston, not only as a cultural institution but as an urban oasis open to all. The entire MFAH campus redevelopment project is slated for completion in late 2019.

  Steven Holl Architects is an internationally recognized, innovative architecture and urban design office with locations in New York City, and Beijing. Steven Holl founded the firm in 1976 and now has a total staff of 45. The firm has been recognized with numerous awards, publications, and exhibitions for quality and excellence in design; Steven Holl was named by Time magazine as "America’s
  Best Architect," for creating "buildings that satisfy the spirit as well as the eye." Most recently, SHA completed the University of Iowa Visual Arts Building (Iowa City, IA), Ex of IN House (Rhinebeck, NY), Reid Building at The Glasgow School of Art (Glasgow, UK),
  Columbia University’s Campbell Sports Center (New York, NY) and the Sliced Porosity Block (Chengdu, China). The firm’s current work includes the Lewis Center for the Arts at Princeton University (Princeton, New Jersey), a new Institute for Contemporary Art at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, VA), the Hunters Point Community Library (New York, NY) and the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts Expansion in Washington, D.C.

  For more information on Steven Holl Architects, please visit:

  Steven Holl Architects Media Contact
  Julia van den Hout
  Original Copy

       MFAH Media Contact
       Mary Haus
       Head of Marketing & Communications



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